Q3 '23 What's New: Trust and Security Updates at Zendesk

Q3 '23 What's New: Trust and Security Updates at Zendesk

Aug 10, 2023

Q3 '23 What's New: Trust and Security Updates at Zendesk
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In this video, we reveal our new announcements for trust and security for Q3 of 2023. Highlights include our continued commitment to reducing security risks and improving organizational efficiency with features like expanding two-factor authentication and granting more advanced permissions to streamline operations.

Introduction - 0:00
Trends in the market - 0:51
New announcement: Block agents from sensitive tickets - 1:55
New announcement: Two-factor authentication for end users - 2:53
New announcement: Permission enhancements - 3:56
Demo - 5:27

Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

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