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On Hermes and Mattermost

With the upgrade to React Native 61 came the prospect of substantially improving performance of our Android app. How? Through the use of Hermes, Facebook’s new JavaScript engine. To say that we were excited is an understatement. And with that excitement came curiosity: How is this new JavaScript engine achieving performance boosts?

The 3 pillars of effective sales leadership

In most organizations, the highest-performing sales reps are eventually promoted to management. But being a manager is a much different job than being a rep. You can be at the very top of your trade, but that doesn’t necessarily make you a good leader. I experienced this firsthand when I moved into management. I was good at sales, but I wasn’t really good at leading. You’re not taught that it’s a completely different job that operates in a gray area every single day.

How a travel agency utilizes OneDesk's ticketing system & helpdesk

Growing awareness of attraction centers around the world, faster and more reliable transport systems, and internet booking are some of the reasons for the booming Travel and Leisure Industry. Over the years, tour operators and travel companies have improved touring experiences for leisure tourists by breaking barriers of language, currency, and costs of tours.

5 Ways Support Teams Can Show Customers They Care

Everyone in the business world has had an experience where it didn’t feel like they mattered to a vendor or business. It’s a difficult feeling knowing your voice isn’t being heard, or even worse ignored by someone you’re trusting to meet your business needs. However, these situations can be avoided with your own customers by hiring support team members who legitimately care about them AND know how to properly display this care in conversations.

The best lead scoring models have these 7 factors

A business can’t thrive without lead generation, however, the more leads you generate, the more selective you have to be in your pursuits. Sales rep don’t want to waste time chasing a large list of dead-end leads. That time could be spent nurturing more promising leads. Yet, when it comes to valuing leads, how do you separate the wheat from the chaff? Experience and gut instinct goes a long way, but they aren’t enough.

Correlation vs Causation: Definition, Examples, and why the difference matters

Distinguishing correlation from causation is one of the most frequent mistakes made in reasoning. These two words appear deceptively similar but identifying the difference between both can either make or break the process of creating a high-value product for your customers. Let’s dive right in as I review correlation vs causation psychology and describe the main differences between these two common terms.