By this point in your freelance career, you’ve likely got a few clients under your belt. But as your client list grows or as more projects come through the door, you will need a way to handle this. How you manage your time, workload, client communication, and everything in between ultimately affects the quality of your work and your relationship with your clients. Having a handle on your freelance project management skills will make your career much easier and far more rewarding.
Ever found yourself grappling with the challenges of managing a dispersed field workforce? Picture this: Your team is scattered across various locations, and coordinating their activities seems like a logistical puzzle. How do you ensure efficiency, productivity, and real-time visibility? The answer lies in the rising phenomenon of Geo-Fencing. In a world where technology revolutionizes our work, Geo-Fencing emerges as a powerful solution, transforming field workforce management.
In the evolving landscape of AI, sticking strictly to the traditional playbook is unlikely to yield the best results. Integrating new technology like AI into your business operations is often met with resistance. It's human nature—we're generally wary of change. To truly get your employees on board with AI, you'll need to think differently. Flipping the script on conventional wisdom could be the catalyst you need for change.
Explore the synergy of bullet journaling and Insightful's employee tracking software in our latest post. Learn how to tailor time management techniques to individual styles and boost team efficiency.
The rise of remote call centers is a response to the global shifts in work dynamics and also a strategic move towards an agile and efficient customer support model. The question for businesses today isn’t whether to adapt to this change but how to do it successfully. This statistic signify a numerical surge and underlines a fundamental shift in how businesses reimagine customer interactions.
It’s a new year and the time when teams look to the months ahead with unblinking optimism. Maybe you’ve already planned a strategy to delight your core customer and focus on product innovation. Or perhaps you’re still working toward alignment on high-level goals. No matter which stage you’re in — goal-setting, planning, or execution — it’s all hard work.
There are more ways than ever for customers to get in touch with tech support. Ever wonder what customer service looked like 50 or 60 years ago? It certainly wasn’t as accessible or intuitive as it is today. Here’s a look back at how customer support technologies evolved over the last century, and a peak at where they’re going next.