For business leaders, employees, professionals, and management teams across most major sectors, it’s become clear that general attitudes toward work have changed remarkably in recent years. From the rise of smart technologies, IoT devices, and advanced AI software tools to an increasingly present conversation regarding mental health and well-being in the workplace, modern hybrid work is multifaceted.
Think of something new you’ve done lately at work. Something that felt easier. Was it an A.I. suggestion, helpfully predictive text, or an app integration that just worked? Maybe a blocker vanished just as an automated workflow emerged. That’s the future of work in action.
Ever since the father of modern communications, Alexander Graham Bell, gave humanity its first telephone, the world has changed. We now carry the world in our pockets on our smartphones and can communicate with anyone, anywhere around the globe. Today, we have so many tools that some are devoted solely to internal communication. And we're sharing 17 that you'll want to pay attention to below!