Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


A free employee attendance policy template for businesses

Want to learn how to create an employee attendance policy? Many successful companies around the world have this one thing in common – all of them strive for excellent employee attendance. But what happens when your employees don’t turn up? Team processes can get disrupted, you might face a personnel crunch, and you could even end up missing deadlines.

Build a Productive Workflow Using Day Theming

You can work for years in the same job, industry, or niche and still not master productivity. Truth be told, maintaining maximum productivity is a challenge that everyone faces all the time. But rather than splitting your attention through multitasking or practicing other dubious strategies, why not build a productive workflow using day theming instead? Day theming is a simple yet highly effective productivity-boosting technique. It may help you with time management, schedule organization, and much more.

Basecamp for Marketing Teams | Basecamp Office Hours

In this Basecamp Office Hours session (recorded live on April 6, 2023), Ashley, Laura and Kimberly from the Basecamp Customer Success team are joined by Basecamp's Head of Marketing Glenn Pajarito. During this one-hour session, the team shows how Basecamp can be set up for use by marketing teams while they demo the Basecamp project management software, share best practices, and answer customer questions live.

Customer Service Trends in 2023

With 92% of consumers expecting to continue to contact customer service at or above pandemic-era rates, we are facing a future where companies that aren’t customer-centric will have a hard time surviving. This is why companies must keep up with customer service trends so that they’re able to cater to these evolving customer needs.

Small Business HR

Do you have a small business? Is there any HR department in your business? According to a report, 54 percent of small businesses handle employment issues on their own to save money. However, CEOs at these companies frequently recognize that they would be better off concentrating on sales, technology, and other facets of the business. In this blog post, you will learn all about small businesses manage their human resources.

Basecamp for Web Designers | Basecamp Office Hours

In this Basecamp Office Hours session (recorded live on April 12, 2023), Ashley, Laura and Kimberly from the Basecamp Customer Success team are joined by Basecamp Principal Designer Jason Zimdars. During this one-hour session, the team shows how Basecamp can be set up for use by web design teams while they demo the Basecamp project management software, share best practices, and answer customer questions live.