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14 Motivational Gifts Ideas to Boost Employee Morale

Sometimes it’s a hassle coming up with unique and affordable appreciation gifts for employees. Gone are the days when employees used to get excited from the usual and monotonous presents like notebooks with a brand logo or candy bags. To solve this problem, we have articulated a list of 14 unique motivational gifts ideas for your employees, and that too on a pocket-friendly budget. If you are a company owner your should remind your employees that they are valued and appreciated.

Announcing Courier Automations: Application Logic for Notifications

We’re excited to announce a powerful new feature for the Courier platform: Courier Automations. Courier Automations is a toolset that includes both an API and a visual builder that allows anyone to easily configure logic for notification workflows. Need to send a reminder to class attendees 10 minutes before the class starts? Need to page an on-call engineer on multiple channels until they respond? These use cases and more can be achieved quickly and easily with Automations.

How Our Culture of High-Impact Openness at Mattermost Drives Results

As an open source organization, openness is part of our DNA here at Mattermost. But that openness is about more than just opening up our source code — it’s a core part of our culture and the way we do business. I’d like to share a bit more about why we’ve adopted this culture of high-impact openness and how we practice it every day across the various communication and collaboration channels that we use.

9 Strategies To Boost Employee Motivation In The Workplace

Employee motivation plays a significant role in a company’s success. Their commitment to being the best at what they do affects their team productivity and the business’s ability to grow and serve customers. A low level of employee motivation can negatively impact your business processes and ability to convert visitors to customers. Given its importance, how can business owners boost their employee’s motivation? Fortunately, there are a lot of proven ways to do so.

White label chat app: 4 advantages over custom-made chat apps

As customer-facing businesses grow, they are trying to find new ways to serve their customers. However, they want to keep their brand aligned across all communication channels. White label chat app helps them do exactly that. Compared to custom-developed chat apps, white-labeled ones can be implemented faster and require fewer resources. Read on to find out what are the advantages of white label chat over custom-made chat apps, and why organizations opt for white-labeled chat products.

Forrester's 2022 Now Tech report on secure communications platforms includes Element

Forrester, the research and advisory firm, recently published its Now Tech: Secure Communications, Q2 2022 report which provides an overview of 25 providers and helps enterprises understand the value of a secure communications platform. And (we’re all flushed in the face), Element is listed as one of the secure communication providers (available to view here).

11 Key Steps Towards Achieving a Safe Workplace

No company is immune to accidents, but certain companies, by virtue of their safety standards and procedures, are more likely than others to suffer them. By taking the right precautions, you can create a safer workplace and reduce the risk of injuries. Here are the 11 most important steps to take.

16 open-source projects to contribute to in 2022

The world of open-source is stronger than ever. As the world gets more connected, more people are interested in being a part of building amazing new technologies. However, there are many more advantages to open-source software than just that. Specifically, there is probably no better way to learn and grow as a developer than to contribute to open-source projects. But, it’s hard to choose from so many different options!

9 Essential Marketing Tools for Small Teams

Competing with bigger companies with larger teams is no easy feat for a small business. Often, founders run a tight ship and only have a few employees to gear towards marketing activities. However, just because you have a small team doesn't mean you can't contend with the big boys. Over the years, many marketing tools have arrived to help small teams operate on the same levels as bigger ones.

Looking for a new messenger?

There are many messaging apps out there, but surprisingly little choice. Yet you’ll find most people use messaging apps that only fulfil one (or two if you’re lucky) of those requirements. But why settle for less when you can have it all?! Let’s run through the main problems with most messaging apps, and then take a look at Element.