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Nodemailer and the SaaS Paradox of Choice

Early stage companies are constantly evolving their product to fit the market they operate in. They reach customers to keep them engaged using a high magnitude vector that contributes to their success. Architecting the communications strategy for your product thus becomes an important problem to tackle, which in turn can cause second-order effects like having to trade off the speed of product development iterations.

Building an Integration? Here's When to Use Apps instead of Plugins

In the last few months, we have been working on a new Apps framework for developers. The idea behind this framework is to make it easier for more developers to integrate external applications or their own applications into Mattermost. But wait a moment, don’t we have Plugins for that? Yes, but Apps provide some advantages to developers over Plugins.

Top 7 Tips to Prevent Employee Burnout for Remote Workers

The concept of burnout isn’t new. But with more employees working from home due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s certainly becoming more apparent. 38% of remote workers say that burnout has worsened throughout the pandemic. And it doesn’t just affect remote workers. A recent study by StuDocu discovered that 7 out of 10 students experienced a decline in their mental health. So it’s clear that the pandemic is impacting the well-being of people all around the world.

Why Software Accessibility Matters

Making sure your software and its documentation is accessible is not only the right thing to do, it’s the smart thing to do—and it’s actually not that difficult. An accessible product is as usable as possible for everyone, regardless of their physical and cognitive abilities. For example, blind people should be able access your documentation with a screen reader, and neurologically atypical people shouldn’t be distracted by flashing screens, pop-ups, or carousels.

Manage Dynamic Schemas at Scale with Rudderstack & dbt

I recently had the pleasure of hosting a webinar with the team over at Rudderstack. It focused on Data Engineering and managing dynamic schemas at scale. More specifically, Rudderstack-generated, dynamic schemas at scale. This blog will discuss the tools, software, and methods to do just that.

12 Essential Cybersecurity Practices for Remote Teams in 2021

You’ve hired your remote team, scheduled your projects, and planned your workflows. You’ve heard security terms like virtual private network and Internet of Things, but you’re not quite sure what they mean or what to do about them. You’ve had virus protection software on your devices before, but you’re pretty sure it’s expired by now. The last to do on your list is setting up a cybersecurity plan, but you’re not sure where to start.

Messaging apps: 8 most important security features to look for

Messaging apps security is, along with other security concerns, one of the biggest must-haves when it comes to digital transformation. As workplaces move from the physical world into a digital one, employers are looking to ensure highest security standards while fostering the culture of collaboration. However, there are some challenges they encounter along the way.