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Everything Geckoboard shipped in 2020

As we head into 2021 after possibly one of the strangest and most unsettling years in living memory, we thought it was about time to take stock and reflect on how Geckoboard has changed over the course of the past 12 months. Like many other businesses this year, we have had to adapt not only the way we work but the way our dashboards work for our customers too.

Use Google Sheets' ImportXML function to scrape and visualize data

Google Sheets has a built-in function called ImportXML which can be used to scrape publicly available structured data from webpages. ImportXML imports data from any of various structured data types including XML, HTML, CSV, TSV, and RSS and ATOM XML feeds. In this post we’ll show you how to use the ImportXML function to aggregate Pinterest followers from different Pinterest accounts into a Google Sheet, and then visualize that information using Geckoboard’s Spreadsheets data source.

How to use Google Sheets and Clubhouse to create a Product Team dashboard that automatically posts to Slack

Clubhouse have just released a new Google Sheets integration. If you’re not familiar with Clubhouse it’s a project management tool designed for software teams. We’ve been using it at Geckoboard since 2016 and have never looked back - you can read more about why we switched to Clubhouse from Trello here. The new integration automatically exports all your Clubhouse tickets and accompanying metadata to a spreadsheet.

Goal setting for retailers turning to ecommerce

This is a guest post written by Stuart Cooke, Marketing Manager at Irish Parcels a courier comparison service that helps retailers and ecommerce providers find the best shipping solutions for their products. -- The Covid-19 pandemic has meant businesses around the world have had to close their doors for months, with many left with no choice but to adapt quickly and take their goods or services online.

A complete guide to key performance indicators: Definition, uses and examples

It’s the end of the month, and you’re preparing to update your team and your manager on the status of your project. You know it’s going well, but you have to show them. How do you share the project’s successes, and any concerns you have, in a quantifiable way? The answer is key performance indicators (KPIs). KPIs measure specific aspects of performance, enabling you to monitor and share progress in a clear, objective way.

12 ecommerce KPIs you should be tracking (+ tips from ecom experts)

It’s the end of the quarter and time to do a health check on your ecommerce business to see how things are going. But you collect data from so many sources—how do you know which ecommerce KPIs (key performance indicators) are the most important? As Laura Moss, co-founder of Adventure Cats, advises, “The sheer number of KPIs you can track can be overwhelming, especially if you're new to ecom or a small business owner like I am.

How 4 companies foster remote teamwork and collaboration with Geckoboard

In 2020, according to a survey by Owl Labs, nearly 70% of full-time workers in the US are remote. As a result of the pandemic, many teams had to switch to remote work suddenly. They needed to figure out new ways to achieve the teamwork and collaboration they had in an office setting. Buffer’s State of Remote Work survey found that remote workers cited collaboration and communication as one of their biggest struggles.

7 Customer success metrics you should be prioritizing (but probably aren't)

Net promoter score. Customer churn rate. Monthly recurring revenue. These are all high-profile customer success metrics, prominently featured in most posts on the topic. There’s no denying these metrics have value – but do they really tell the whole story? Key performance indicators (KPIs) like net promoter score and churn rate tell you if there’s a problem or if your company is doing well overall. But to figure out what to do next, you need to dig a little deeper.

9 employee engagement strategies driven by data

There’s no doubt that your company benefits when employees are actively interested in their work. A recent Gallup survey revealed that highly engaged employees are more productive, have higher customer ratings, and are more likely to stay with the company. The value of employee engagement may seem obvious to you as a manager. Even so, many organizations struggle to keep employees interested in their work. Worldwide, just 15% of employees are engaged.