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How to Develop Leadership Skills (The Right Way)

Leadership skills are important for anyone who wants to be successful. Especially, as a manager, these skills will help you to reach your goals, and those of your team. However, how can you effectively develop leadership skills? Is there a guidebook to follow? Some type of IKEA-build-your-leadership-skills manual? Let’s find out! For starters, can we explain what is leadership with an exclusive concept? Are all leaders the same? Is leadership set in stone? No, no, and no.

How Your Nonprofit Organization Can Adopt Good Governance

Strategic leadership has always been among the top goals of nonprofit organizations. To make that happen, accountability, effectiveness, transparency, and inclusiveness must be implemented and measured. Such factors also play a significant role in forming good governance for nonprofits, from overseeing organizational performance to making policy decisions. When administered properly, nonprofit governance can make remarkable changes for any organization.

3 Ways Leaders Can Pursue Productivity Goals with Empathy

Team leaders, mid-level managers, and company executives share a unique challenge in 2022: connecting with their employees is more onerous than ever before. Remote and hybrid work arrangements are now ubiquitous in many sectors, often boosting employee morale and enhancing retention but making it more difficult to develop collaborative communities forged from trust and experience.

The Ultimate Guide to Becoming an Effective Team Leader

Strong and authentic leadership qualities are valuable in every role and at any stage of employment. Even if you are not yet in a managerial role, you can explore ways to demonstrate your leadership skills inside your firm. Being a team leader is one method to exhibit leadership abilities early in your career.

11 Pro Tips For Effectively Managing Distributed Teams

Distributed teams consist of employees working remotely from different locations. And with the pandemic confining millions of employees to their homes, organizations have been compelled to embrace this work model. However, remote work is still vulnerable to cultural differences, social inclusion, and a lack of trust and communication between team members. Indeed, managing distributed teams is a pressing concern for remote managers. But, don’t worry! We’re here to help you out.