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A four-day workweek results in more productive employees

Taking a bold step toward rethinking the modern workplace, the coaching firm Exos, which is based in the United States, has begun a trial of a four-day workweek that will last for a period of six months. The objective of the effort is to reduce the amount of burnout experienced by employees and to raise productivity, all while preserving or even improving the overall performance of the organization.

Mastering the Hybrid Work Model: A Blueprint For Success

The Hybrid Work Model has become a go-to solution for balancing flexibility and productivity in today’s fast-paced work environment. Employees sometimes feel trapped by rigid office hours. However, the hybrid work model has helped them find a new working method. Employees can boost their performance by blending remote work with in-person collaboration. It is like opening a door to endless possibilities!

Cut the Queue: an Insightful Approach to Reshaping Call Center Outcomes

Explore the benefits of integrating Insightful into call center monitoring operations. Learn how its smart metrics improve first call resolution, reduce average handling time, and enhance customer satisfaction scores, propelling your productivity with just one call center tool.

How to Make Sure Employees Are Working from Home Committedly: Strategies for Remote Work Management

Explore solutions to common remote work challenges such as decreased productivity and collaboration difficulties. Learn how to make sure employees are working from home effectively by relying on productivity and time monitoring tools.

How To Measure & Improve Employee Productivity in 2024

Measuring employee productivity is a critical part of today’s competitive business landscape. It’s a tool that empowers managers and business leaders to optimize growth cycles, manage performance culture during stressed periods, and understand how effectively their employees are working. Providing a roadmap to improve performance also empowers managers to enhance their performance management skills.