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23 Tools for Freelancers to Improve their Productivity

Reports show that almost 70% of freelance workers handle about 4 projects at one time. This means freelancing work involves communicating with multiple people on different deliverables, creating outlines for each of these projects, creating schedules to be on-time, invoicing for each work done, and much more. This is a huge chunk of administrative work that every freelancer goes through. It may read easily on paper, but it can take a toll on you if you are not organizing your work.

How to handle procrastination while working remotely

The first thing we need to establish is the fact that procrastination is thought to come from an emotional reaction to whatever it is you are avoiding. Researchers call this phenomenon “mood repair”, where we avoid the uncomfortable feelings associated with our work by spending time on mood-enhancing activities, like playing games or spending time on our phones.

How to Keep Employee Retention High in the Era of Remote Work

People are usually reluctant to embrace change. But with the ongoing pandemic – something that nobody could’ve predicted – they were left with no choice. Remote workforces are now the new normal, with large and small businesses embracing the work-from-home arrangement. Although this new trend is still taking shape with many businesses still adjusting to it, one of the main challenges is employee retention.

Top 10 Team Productivity Tools In 2021 (Features, Pricing)

Looking for the best team productivity tools for your organization? In this fast-paced and hyper-competitive era, even a small dip in your team’s productivity could affect your company’s bottom line. But don’t worry! From productivity monitoring to project management and collaboration software, several tools can prevent the issues you might face while managing your team.

Top 3 Strategies to Increase Employee Productivity with Workday Insights

Here at Time Doctor, we talk to companies every day who are striving to increase the productivity of their teams. Consistently analyzing employee productivity and making strategic changes are crucial for growth. However, before a business is able to increase productivity, they must be able to accurately measure it.

30+ Best Workflow Tools for a Hybrid Work Environment

If 2020 was the year of work-from-home, 2021 will gradually be easing into what the future of the office will look like: a hybridized home-and-office requiring the use of many different workflow tools. The reason this term casts such a wide net is because everyone’s situation will be notably different. Some businesses will return in full force (once they’re able to) and will resume the office life that they formerly lived, while other organizations may never have a formal office again.