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Customer churn rate

Customers can be a fickle bunch—happy one day, gone the next. That’s why it’s important for companies of all shapes and sizes to track and understand their customer churn rate. Customer churn rate is an important metric that impacts nearly every aspect of a company’s business, from product and revenue to customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Because what’s a business without customers?

Building great customer experiences with Zendesk and AWS

Creating great experiences for your customers starts with having a complete understanding of who they are—and that requires having the right customer data. But too often, this data is siloed in disparate systems that don’t talk to each other and is spread across a complex landscape that’s hard to analyze and understand. The end result is ineffective agents, poor customer insights, and unsatisfied customers.

How the E-Commerce and Logistics Industry can Adapt to Serve Customers in these Challenging Times

During the COVID-19 crisis, the spotlight is on the e-commerce and logistics industry when it comes to providing essential and non-essential goods for consumers. With the lockdowns across the world, these companies are critical to ensuring people are able to get the supplies they need to live on. So what are some of the responsibilities and challenges they face and how can they overcome them, when operating under the current circumstances? We caught up with Sriram Sridhar, the CEO of

Introducing Rocket.Chat 3.1: Get To Know New Features & Updates

After significant development and thanks to our team and community, we are delighted to announce the arrival of Rocket.Chat 3.1.0, full of exciting features! In this post, we will give you a quick overview of the main features brought by our latest release. Find the entire list of new features, updates, and bug fixes here. Thanks to this feature, there is no need to create a private channel to have a chat with multiple users anymore.

Rocket.Chat SaaS: A Secure Hosted Service

In recent years, the move from deploying applications on-premise into the cloud has accelerated quickly and changed the whole industry. Today, most services are ready to be used in as short as a few minutes. Rocket.Chat is no different and there is no need to wait any longer: Rocket.Chat as a managed service is ready for you.

How the Asana community stays organized while working remotely

Staying on track while working remotely comes down to one thing: effectively collaborating with your team. But learning to collaborate while working remotely means finding ways to maintain visibility into team projects and stay organized from anywhere. To get a glimpse of how people worldwide are staying organized and connected while working remotely, we asked the Asana Community to share their best practices. Read on to learn their tips for collaborating effectively with Asana.

Why your business needs a change management plan

Change can be scary. We’re living through a global pandemic, SpaceX is launching more rockets into space, and scientists have discovered a way to grow mini brains from skin cells. People like the comfort of things they know, like their favorite fuzzy socks or Mom’s chocolate chip cookies. So even when change is a good thing, it might be met with fear and resistance. And when it comes to business, leaders need to recognize that the human side of change can impact their outcomes.

How to Set Up Your IT Team to Enable Remote Work

In the wake of remote work becoming the new normal, businesses today have newfound gratitude for their IT teams. IT admins have been working tirelessly to make sure you have a seamless work-from-home experience by giving you the best technology, warding off bad actors from getting their hands on your company’s data, and onboarding or offboarding employees. In this interview, Prasad, the Chief Information Officer at Freshworks shares what goes on behind the scenes of our IT team.