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Product Release

How to Reduce Employee Burnout with Time Doctor's New Work-life Balance Widget

Employee wellness and the employee experience have quickly become a major focus for many organizations since the onset of the pandemic. In a 2020 survey by Spring Health, 76% of U.S. employees reported that they were experiencing burnout. With such a dramatic majority of employees suffering from symptoms of burnout, encouraging a healthy work-life balance and making efforts to reduce employee burnout should be a top concern for companies.

Introducing the Miro app for Zoom

As we all adjusted to new ways of working over the past year, products like Miro and Zoom helped us stay connected and come as close as we could to meeting face-to-face. Today, we’re excited to announce another major step toward our vision of empowering teams to foster human connection, collaborate effortlessly, and maintain creativity, regardless of where teammates are located, with the new Miro app for Zoom.

Announcing Miro for Webex Messaging

Hybrid work calls for tools that are built to quickly switch between in-person and remote collaboration. This is true for both emerging companies and large, globally distributed teams, who need access to tools and resources that can carry over from the conference room to a video meeting. That’s why we’re excited to announce the first of several upcoming integrations with Cisco Webex: Miro for Webex Messaging.

Looking forward to the next big Mattermost product milestone: Mattermost v6.0

The Mattermost team is actively working on our next major product release: Mattermost v6.0 is shipping this fall. That’s right around the corner! In advance of the release, we’d like to communicate some specifics on select features being promoted from beta to generally available and upcoming deprecations. We would also like to share a glimpse of what’s coming.

Learn Miro basics with new template pack

Facilitators and champions who onboard new Miro users can take advantage of our new How-to templates available in the Building Blocks section. Each template includes an image showing where to find the tool, a short gif demonstrating the tool in use, and an exercise to try it out. Feel free to use the templates when organizing workshops and meetings.

Introducing Delighted for Teamwork Desk - Have full visibility of customer feedback at your fingertips

Data is one of the most valuable assets to an organization and wielding the right data can be particularly impactful to understand what your customers think about you. While understanding customer experience is integral for any business to remain profitable, we may not always have the right tools at hand to keep up with this information. Did you know that 77% of consumers prefer brands who collect and apply customer feedback?

What's new in Teamwork

This month we’re delighted to bring you some exciting new updates from across the Teamwork Platform. From our new streamlined Add Project Wizard, improvements to Table View, Intake Forms, and the Mobile apps, to Training Wheels enhancement for Teamwork Desk, we’ve got many new feature enhancements that will help you work more efficiently.