Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

Product Release

Introducing the new Netomi Chat Widget

Nearly 70% of consumers expect live chat support and it’s currently the preferred channel for consumers between 18-49 years old1. Over the last few years, live chat has emerged as a must have customer communication channel for sales and support. To help companies meet customers on their preferred channels, we’ve launched a new, highly customizable chat widget which can be easily deployed.

Introducing Courier Inbox and Toast for Notifications That Don't Suck

We are excited to announce the availability of Courier’s newest provider, Courier Push! We have released Inbox and Toast, two open source React components that exemplify the potential future applications of this feature. With Toast, you can send your user a notification within your web application and Inbox allows you to create an embeddable notification repository so that your user can access all past in-app notifications.

What's new in Teamwork Q2

It's time for a roundup of the features released during Q2 2021 here at Teamwork. We had another busy, yet exciting, quarter as our product teams got to work. In case you missed any updates, check out all of the Teamwork features released over the second quarter of our year to see how each could help your business. We hope you enjoyed the new features released this last quarter, and as always, we’d love to hear your feedback.

August 2021 Version Update: Gantt Chart Improvements | Scoro

When managing projects with Scoro, there’s really nothing you Gantt do (was that too much?). With this update, we took our users’ feedback on board, improving the Gantt chart even further and tweaking the chart usability to fit various workflows. See what we’ve been up to.