Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Enhancing the agent experience with contextual workspaces

Customers want personalized support, but they also want quick support. These are two needs that don’t always go hand-in-hand. When a customer reaches out for support, the agent typically needs a plethora of information to tailor the support to said customer. The agent might even need to reach out to different departments for added details.

The Makings of a Successful Customer Service Representative

When people think of “customer service” sometimes they think of call centers. Sometimes they think of the people they get on the chat with when their internet or credit card stops working. Maybe they think about being at an automated machine that’s not working and calling the hotline number they found on the peeling sticker on the machine.

The Top Trends for Customer Support in 2019

At the end of every year, managers and executives alike need to look into the future to plan their next steps. What new technology do you need to budget for? What are customers asking for now? What new skills do your agents need to develop – or do you need to hire for? The top trends in customer support can help illuminate a path forward.

What the Product Team can Learn from Customer Support

When it comes down to it, each employee at your company is working towards the same overarching goal: to serve your customers. However, because the roles they play in reaching that goal are extremely different, it’s easy for individual teams to feel disconnected from one another. This isn’t ideal.

2019, Freshworks is on its way!

Freshworks had a rocking year in 2018, and we are taking a moment to look back at what happened in a year that was filled with so much activity. There were product launches: Freshconnect and Freshping came alive this year, to much fanfare and excitement. Freshconnect is going to play a crucial role in our Freshworks 360 platform, and Freshping will help organisations prove their credibility to their customers free of cost.

How a Self-Service Portal can Boost Community Engagement and Create Brand Advocates

A community forum is one part of a self-service portal where customers can interact with each other, as well as your team, and it’s the perfect place to allow your user community to take shape. Customers can ask questions and get answers quickly from other community members, or search for older posts to find previous answers or workarounds to their current question.

True brand awareness

It’s been said that your name is your favorite word. Likewise, a brand’s name is its favorite word. Pair their name with their logo, and it’s a self-love fest. You can see this play out when you order a physical product from an online store. The shipping box is often branded. Sometimes the tape is even branded. Then once you tear into it, the internal packaging is branded. Then the item, too — often in multiple places. Name, logo, name, logo, name, logo.