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Employees are customers, too: why building a better internal help desk matters

Most companies now understand that customers demand service that is personalized, convenient, and efficient—and that ignoring those expectations imperils the bottom line. However, while focusing on the needs of external customers makes sound business sense, creating a rich employee experience can be just as important to a company’s long-term success.

10+ Best Chat Apps for Team Collaboration (Free and Paid)

Business enterprises always find better ways for team communication and collaboration. Instead of writing heavy emails daily, chat simplifies team conversations and organizes team tasks more efficiently. Many chat apps for teams ensures a wide range of collaborative features for quick communication.

To Chatbot or not to Chatbot? What Every Customer Support Manager Needs to Know

Deciding whether or not to use or deploy a chatbot for your brand requires understanding each of the drawbacks and benefits of this new technology. It can be a tough decision to make. There are always new and shiny trends popping up every year in the customer service industry. You might be getting inundated with sales emails from companies promising to reduce your cost of service, increase your customer loyalty and differentiate your customer’s experience.

5 questions every IT leader should ask of their CRM platform

CIOs and other IT leaders have their work cut out for them—it’s not easy to strike a balance between maximizing the value of existing technology, minimizing costs, and investing in strategic tools for the future of the business. As companies compete for brand loyalty and invest more in providing better customer experiences, there’s a greater emphasis on IT leaders to manage the customer data siloed across numerous applications, systems, and engagement channels.

3 Ways Digital Transformation can Grow Your Business by Making Your Customer Service Proactive

Time is everything these days. A photocopy shop in NYC has a sign on the counter: “The difficult we do right away; the impossible takes a little longer.” Taking your customer service online, using modern, cloud-based support software, brings the joke to reality: you can now offer customers a level of convenience and speed that is not possible without modern online customer service tools. This is the digital transformation many companies are making.

Understanding the True Value of an Online Customer Portal

Too often, customers rush to the phone whenever an issue or question pops in to their mind. While having customer conversations is great, too much communication can be harmful and have a negative impact on your business. To alleviate some of this communication, more companies are leveraging an online customer portal to stop mundane conversations before they even begin.

3 Myths About Omnichannel Support

Customers make decisions based on how easy companies make it to transact with them. From pre-purchase questions through payment and delivery of goods, your customers expect a seamless purchasing experience. That means your company must meet them on the channels they prefer, as well as move with customers from channel to channel.

How Chatbots Use Artificial Intelligence to Satisfy Customers Faster & Easier than Ever Before

Artificial intelligence used to only exist in science fiction films. That’s no longer the case. Today, brands are using it to improve efficiency and productivity in all areas of business. In fact, 55% of established companies have either started making investments in artificial intelligence or are planning to do so by 2020. These investments can come in many forms, but one of the most effective is in using artificial intelligence to power chatbots.

Why AI will transform how customer service teams work

Visionaries in the field of artificial intelligence in customer service see radical changes on the horizon, with a tipping point lying just a few years in the future. And if the prognostications of these experts—Zendesk partners Rick Nucci of Guru, Mike Murchison of Ada, and Mikhail Naumov of DigitalGenius—come to pass, AI will upend how customer service teams work in ways that will have far-reaching ramifications for companies across the globe.