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Combine Synthetics and Real User Monitoring for a Complete End-User Digital Experience

Real User Monitoring (RUM) is becoming increasingly popular during the pandemic as most employees start to work remotely from home. This type of passive monitoring approach captures the real end-user experience of accessing web applications. IT gathers SaaS application performance metric data and leverages those insights to quickly troubleshoot issues for remote workers. On the other hand, Synthetic monitoring emulates real users accessing cloud and infrastructure services like Microsoft 365. Businesses would benefit from a holistic monitoring strategy that includes both RUM and Synthetic tests to cater to the needs of a hybrid remote workforce.

How to Ensure Superior End-User Digital Experience in the Age of Work from Anywhere

Digital Experience Monitoring is becoming the norm as the pandemic forces employees to work remotely. Enterprises need to ensure a great end-user digital experience using techniques like Synthetics and Real User Monitoring (RUM). Let Microsoft 365 performance issues not hold you back to transition to a digital remote work future.