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How to Set Up an Online Party for Remote Employees

Virtual parties for remote teams are becoming increasingly popular as remote work continues to grow. They’re a great way for companies and teams that can’t always meet face-to-face, no matter how much they want to! There are many ways to celebrate online. For example, one fun way to celebrate with your friends is by hosting an online party. You can decorate the virtual space, play games, and enjoy digital snacks or drinks together!

9 Best Tools for Remote Employee Onboarding

The most significant effect of Covid-19 might be remote work. Before the pandemic, around 5% of full-time employees with office employment worked primarily from home. That number has increased by 20-30% in the new normal, with variations among industries and occupations. Hiring has become less location-dependent. Remote employee onboarding is essential for ensuring that employees feel like they belong to the company and have access to all the resources needed to do their best work.

Everything You Need To Know About What Is EMPO

If you have worked in project management for any domain, you have probably heard of the project management office or PMO, but have you heard of an Enterprise PMO? EPMO stands for Enterprise Project Management Office. The EPMO is a company’s strategic department that specifies project goals and standards such as project governance, process control, key performance indicators for projects and portfolios, and technology use.

Best Core Values Examples for Agile Project Managers

Your organizational values are the core of your work environment; they show others who you are as a company and can substantially impact your recruiting and hiring efforts, employee engagement, and overall success. They are the core principles and deeply held beliefs that enable a company to deal with complex situations while retaining its identity and culture.

nTask vs Airtable vs Asana: Which Platform Ranks Best In 2023

As the world moves towards a more digitalized future, more and more companies are turning to cloud-based software to help them manage their operations. Three such platforms, nTask, Airtable, and Asana, are widely regarded as the best in their respective fields, and it can be challenging to decide which one is best for your business. In this article, we are doing a comparison of nTask vs Airtable vs Asana to help you make an informed decision. - It's a Wrap - 2022

It's hard to believe that another year has come and gone, but as we look back on 2022, it's clear that it has been a momentous one for It's time to reflect on all that we've accomplished at From launching new features to securing partnerships, it's been a busy and successful year for our team. We want to take a moment to thank our customers and partners for their continued support and trust in our productivity solution.

The Best Workzone Alternatives to Use in 2023

As project management software becomes increasingly popular, there are a number of options available to project managers. However, not all of these software are created equal – and some can be much more difficult to use than others. Workzone is one such project management tool. While it is a quality product, there are a number of alternatives that can be better suited to specific project management needs. To help you choose the best Workzone alternatives for your needs, read on!

Ways to Avoid Burnout In Project Teams

Employee motivation is crucial for getting the intended results when doing business operations. Long projects may often be difficult for the team members that work on them. Everyone has days when they are anxious about pending work or looming deadlines. If this powerful and overwhelming experience persists at work, it might lead to burnout. According to polls, more than two-thirds of full-time professionals will experience burnout at some point throughout their careers.

What Is Hybrid Project Management? A Complete Guide

If you have never heard of the hybrid project management approach and are thinking it’d be complex and confusing, we promise it won’t. Before we get into expanding over hybrid project management, let’s get a few other basic terminologies right. In today’s competitive business field, project managers must think ahead and cease adhering to only one methodology.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: Learn all about nTask's Mission to Empower Teams

nTask is a task management platform that helps you organize your to-do list and track your progress. It also has features that make it easy to find the tasks you’re looking for, complete them, and get feedback on your work. nTask eliminates the need for you to carry around different pieces of paper with you, or to search through a pile of folders in order to find the task you’re looking for.