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How to create a data-rich customer profile

Customers want to feel seen and understood by the brands they love and buy. According to the Zendesk Customer Experience Trends Report, 76 percent of customers expect personalization during their online experiences, including recommendations based on their previous purchases. One way businesses can provide personalized experiences? Create comprehensive customer profiles.

5 Ways to Develop Trust with Your B2B Customers

People do business with people they like. That’s about the oldest known business strategy! And it still holds true today, particularly in B2B environments, although it may look a little different today than it did back when (quarterly business reviews over a Zoom call versus a two-martini lunch, for example). Just as any relationship takes time to build, developing a trust with your customers that feels almost like a friendship will take time as well.

What is Courier | 30 Second Pitch | CodeStory S4E13 | Troy Goode | Notifications | multi-channel

Courier is the fastest way to design your notifications once and deliver them through push notifications, direct messages like Slack and Facebook Messenger, SMS, and email–with a single Courier API rather than having to integrate each provider API separately.

10 out of the box ways you use Miro

In celebration of Miro turning 10 this week we wanted to highlight 10 out of the box ways you’ve used Miro. We love hearing the ways Miro has helped you create and collaborate with your team but more and more we’re seeing Miro used for fun personal projects. From writing a novel to playing Dungeons and Dragons, the Miro community continues to surprise us and we can’t wait to see the unique use cases you discover next.

Miro for Microsoft-powered software development teams

Whether solving major infrastructure issues or resolving a bug, developers rely on visualization of complex architectures to get the job done. It’s critical to getting a shared understanding so that all the moving pieces work as one cohesive unit. Code editing environments like Visual Studio help Microsoft’s network of millions of developers navigate code, debug, test, and complete code.