Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The latest News and Information on Collaboration, tools and related technologies.

IT Help Desk Software - All You Need

It allows centralizing all customer conversations and information via various social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Email, Chat, and many more. It enables customer support staff to receive, process, and respond to service requests from customers. Its purpose is to automate as many of the standard functions as possible to streamline those processes.

Reuniting and thriving in a distributed world with Asana

After over a year of navigating a global pandemic without a playbook, a return to in-person collaboration and team gatherings (and hugs!) is finally in sight. Many organizations, including our own, are thinking about if and how they’ll reopen their offices and reunite their teams. We know the future of work has been accelerated, and the way we work is more global and connected than ever. As teams reunite, there will be a wider variety of work environments than we’ve seen in the past.

Why Your Customer-Centric Business Needs A Community Software

Not all goals are revenue-focused when you’re in the business of fulfilling customer expectations. Yes, revenue is important, but how you build it depends on your values. When you listen and engage with your customers, you create a sense of trust and belonging with your brand. In turn, a strong connection means increased loyalty, and loyal customers bring in more business. Online communities are the perfect place to nurture these relationships.

Project Management vs. Work Management - What's the Difference?

With a plethora of collaborative tools out there, it’s easy to become bewildered by the sheer volume of choice. What’s more, the definition of “project management” and “work management” in the context of software can be difficult to distinguish. If you’re wondering which type of solution would suit your organization, here’s a handy guide to the main difference between Project Management Software (PMS) and Work Management Software (WMS).

New: Resolve service tickets faster and more accurately with Asana for Zendesk

It’s no secret that effortless customer service takes, well, a lot of effort. To turn an IT request into a quick and effective response, key details need to be shared between the agent and the IT team member responsible for resolving the ticket—often across multiple tools.