Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

March 2022

Six things we're learning about thriving in a hybrid work environment

Over the past couple of years, the pandemic – and numerous lockdowns – have significantly reshaped the way we work. Now, as many of us return to the office once more, employers must continue to focus on the mental wellbeing of their employees. There’s been much discussion recently about the Great Resignation – the large number of employees leaving, or considering leaving, their jobs.

How To Create A Positive Work Culture

There is more to running a successful business than just turning a profit and making the numbers work. A positive work environment is a key indicator of a great business that encourages its employees to thrive and succeed. Workplace culture is all around us and truly defines the environment that employees work in. It can be described as the personality and character of a company or organisation, so every business has its own culture.

Get behind these 5 eCommerce trends in 2022

As online shopping enters a period of hyper-growth and competition for consumers intensifies, getting the customer service experience right has never been more important for retailers. Those that are ahead of the CX curve have their fingers on the pulse when it comes to the latest trends and technologies—they’re reaping the rewards, too. In fact, 66% of companies agree that there’s a direct link between customer service and business performance.

Future-proofing your customer experience with asynchronous messaging

In a recent study commissioned by Zendesk, just 39% of customer service agents said they were confident they could respond to customers in a conversational, convenient way. And only 32% said they could effectively manage and monitor customer requests during the working day. Both of these findings reveal powerful truths. Customer service staff often feel overwhelmed, particularly when they have to respond to everything quickly.

Boosting productivity and revenue with Sell through automation

On March 24th the Sell team led a community event showcasing the newest in automation from Zendesk Sell! Here they shared an introduction to the newly released Sales Triggers and demoed helpful tips on how to level up productivity and boost revenue. Timecodes Event Presentation & Documentation Articles.

Building a customer-centric service model for IT services and tech firms

When done right, technology can help companies create great customer experiences. This is why 82% of top-performing businesses say they pay close attention to the human experience around digital and technology, according to a study by PwC. However, IT Services companies often view the quality of service through the lens of applications and infrastructure, while their customers are more concerned with outcomes and usage. This creates a disconnect, which can lead to low customer satisfaction.

Multi channel strategy: how many social channels are too many?

Discover how many social channels brands should be using, and which ones are likely to deliver the best results. To determine effective multi-channel planning for content and promotions, we will look at the vast array of channels, how to determine if they are appropriate and how an audit might reveal surprising results. will also look at the major platforms and sketch out a broad understanding of which industries they best serve.

Here's how a customer-centric approach can help traditional retail banks win back customer trust

While 2020 will certainly go down in history as the year that rocked our economic foundations, it’s not the only period to have done so. Just 12 years prior, we experienced the Global Financial Crisis, allegedly the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression. Traditional retail banks were largely blamed for the 2008 crisis, and consumer trust in them plummeted—this trust has not been regained yet, according to an Accenture report.

The 12 essential customer service skills for every employee

Everyone in an organisation needs to know what it takes to keep customers happy. According to research published in Forbes, 59% of companies with a CEO who is focused on customer XP report higher revenue growth, compared to companies without a customer-focused CEO. The customer-focused culture is led from the top and should be observed and adhered to company-wide. In a fast-changing world during a global pandemic, priorities are changing.

The sales engineer career path: A complete guide

Not all sales are created equal. Depending on the products, region, and size of a company, a business may require sales experts with different specialties. In 2021, Americans spent nearly $487 billion on technological products and services (a 7.5 percent increase from the previous year)—they’re expected to spend even more in 2022.

Why creative bot names help build your brand - and better customer relationships

2001: A Space Odyssey is a cult classic; the quintessential "evil robot takes over" science-fiction tale featuring a soft-spoken killer robot with the neighbourly name of HAL. Arthur C. Clarke, who wrote the story the 1968 movie was based on, went through several creative bot names before deciding on HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer). He toyed with Autonomous Mobile Explorer-5, Socrates, and Athena.

What is business development? Strategy, plan, and skills

Anyone who works in business development knows that it can be a tough job to explain. If someone asks you what you do for a living and you say, “Business development,” you’re usually met with a quizzical look. So if you don’t have a thorough grasp on what business development is, don’t worry—you’re not alone. The best way to understand business development is to break it into clear pieces. That’s what we’re here to do.

3 AI analytics to add to your KPIs today

Successful companies are constantly asking questions. Customer support teams are in a tricky situation — they need to optimize costs and still provide the best agent and customer experience. Many businesses use traditional KPIs like average handle time and first call resolution as key metrics. But support leaders wonder if these metrics are really the best path to improved agent performance and increased customer satisfaction. That’s where conversation AI analytics comes in.

Kickstarting your customer experience program

If you’re not yet focusing on the customer experience with your organization, it’s time to get started and kick it into high gear. Customer expectations are higher than ever and evolving. You’ve got to get ahead of that. There are often challenges to getting a customer experience program off the ground in any organization, so let’s overcome those and get moving.

What is an agent touch?

Whether it's to inform your sales or marketing teams, it’s likely that you’ve done lots of analysis on your customers to help determine exactly what they need and want. But have you ever analysed how your teams are interacting with your customers to inform service improvements? Learn more about how understanding your agent touches can benefit your business.

Why you need to connect sales and customer service right now

The fact is, better customer experiences are better for business. Great CX means your customers are happier, feel taken care of, and are more loyal, all of which leads to more profits. It takes the right tools and data to fuel those experiences, and a lot of it is already at your fingertips. Your customer service team knows a lot about your customers - how they actually use your products, what’s working and what’s not, and what they want to do.