Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

October 2023

The IT dilemma: Balancing data privacy and personalisation in customer experience

Your phone buzzes with an email notification. Subject line: Important information about a recent security incident. Sounds familiar, right? Unfortunately, security incidents are more and more common, which means many companies are leaning on trust to galvanise their customer relationships. Trust is the cornerstone of customer relationships, but in today’s changing data privacy and security landscape, it’s hard to earn and easy to lose.

Experimenting with AI responsibly and transparently with Economist Impact's Jeremy Kingsley

Jeremy provides much useful insight into how companies can approach the adoption of #AI in a responsible way, while leveraging it to its fullest potential. We discuss: Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

Zendesk Showcase 2023: Up close at the big AI drop

🌃 Business leaders gathered in New York's Chelsea neighborhood to witness the latest #ZendeskAI advancements, including new #generativeAI capabilities and what it means for customer experience, employee experience, and data security. ✨ AI leaders @AKMofficial and @kozyrkov joined the Zendesk team onstage to unveil the latest in the AI space. Zendesk makes customer service better.

IT leaders tackle new challenges with security, AI, and CX

Information technology leaders are responsible for keeping systems up to date and managing security issues amid shifting priorities due to rapid changes in technology. According to a global survey of 1,200 IT leaders, high competition, mounting customer expectations, and new AI tools are all contributing to changing priorities. We published our research in a report detailing the three top areas IT leaders are prioritizing along with strategic recommendations on how to realize these changes in order to stay ahead.

Zendesk Tutorials: Advanced Bots

🤖 Bots powered by #ZendeskAI are better at solving customer problems. ✍ Ready-made templates for quick and easy deployment make the customer experience seamless for both agents and customers. Zendesk makes customer service better. We build software to meet customer needs, set your team up for success, and keep your business in sync.

Report: IT leaders tackle new challenges with security, AI & CX

IT leaders have been responsible for keeping systems up to date and managing security issues. With the last few years framed by both economic volatility and rapid changes in technology – namely in advancements in AI – priorities are shifting. Half of IT leaders we surveyed say that they’re being asked to do more with fewer resources.