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Employee Monitoring

How Small Businesses Use Employee Monitoring to Build Trust with Remote Teams and Boost Performance

When you think of employee monitoring, your brain may initially jump to large, controlling corporations patrolling their thousands of workers. In reality, this idea is simply a myth, as small businesses can use employee monitoring to build trust amongst their remote teams, boost productivity, increase operational efficiency and benefit employees in multiple ways.

How sophisticated is employee monitoring at technology companies?

Be it convenience or the pandemic; remote working has become a prevalent part of technology companies. Most organizations consider remote working to be new, practical, and budget-friendly. However, companies often wonder if it’s sophisticated to monitor their employees for work efficiency. If yes, then how? Today, we will cover the same topic through our article.

How To Start Addressing Insider Threats in an Evolving Work Environment

In February 2020, a Time Magazine headline declared, “The Coronavirus outbreak has become the world’s largest work-from-home experiment.” Over a year later, that experiment has been a resounding success for companies and employees who found abundant upsides to less rigid workplace expectations.

Employee Monitoring: Pros, Cons, Types, Tools (2021 Guide)

Employee monitoring can be tricky. You need to strike a balance between your company’s need to monitor employee activity and an employee’s right to privacy. That’s why, while there are several ways to monitor employees, you need employee-friendly solutions that work for your company’s specific requirements. In this article, we’ll explain what employee monitoring is, its benefits and drawbacks, and five types of monitoring solutions.

Why the Biggest Threat Facing Supply Chains is on the Inside

Businesses need to act now to survey their supply chain, developing the capacity to anticipate and respond to supply chain risks, minimizing the impact and optimizing opportunity. In March, the world witnessed a curious scene. A container ship longer than the Empire State Building became lodged in Egypt’s Suez Canal, creating an incredible spectacle as heavy construction equipment and a fleet of tug boats tried to dislodge the vessel from the canal walls.

Workpuls - Business-Powering Workforce Productivity and Analytics

Did you know that the average employee is only productive for 2 hours and 35 minutes per day? Workpuls is a workforce #productivity and analytics solution that helps organizations drive productivity, benchmark performance and improve efficiency. Take the pulse of your company and better understand how productive your employees are. Our #timetracking software can give you insights into how, when and why your employees do their best work so you can get the most out of them daily.

Employee Well-Being And Company Success Are Linked: How To Foster Flourishing Teams That Last

Here’s how small business leaders can position their employees to thrive in a post-pandemic operational reality. The recent pandemic and associated economic fallout were especially challenging for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). The Washington Post estimates that more than 100,000 small businesses have permanently closed, and overall revenue plummeted by as much as 52 percent.

3 Steps To Prevent Cyberthreats & Secure Your Company's Data

While data security has been an important topic since the internet’s inception, the issue is experiencing renewed prominence as platforms collect and struggle to secure copious amounts of personal information and prevent cyberthreats at the same time. The early 2000s were characterized by unprecedented growth and participation in the digital data economy, but the 2010s saw the creeping consequences of this ecosystem.