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Mattermost installation: The important details for sysadmins

ChatOps is about bringing conversations, tools, files, and automation into a single space. Mattermost has a number of plugins that support ChatOps and real-time DevOps workflows through integrations with developer tools like Jira, GitLab, GitHub, Bitbucket, and Jenkins. At the core is the Mattermost Server.

The 10 Best Autodial Software For Businesses in 2020

Looking for the best autodial software? Autodial tools can help businesses automatically call phone numbers and connect them to an agent or pre-recorded message. It’s the perfect way to quickly go through your list of contacts and engage with leads and customers. That’s why we’ve listed down everything you need to know about the best auto dialer software in 2020. We’ll highlight their pros and cons and also show you what you should look for when selecting an autodial tool!

All About Reports in OneDesk

OneDesk ships with some pre-set report templates included. These let you quickly generate reports on tickets, tasks, projects, timesheets, and invoices with just a few clicks. However OneDesk also includes powerful tools to let you create your own report templates, schedule them so that they run without your interaction, and can be automatically emailed out to you, your team, or your management.

Reasons why AI will enhance; not replace support agents

In the last decade, automation has brought about considerable changes in simple and complex processes for quicker output. In the call center industry, programmed automation has enhanced customer experience and made a significant impact on support efficiency. With artificial intelligence being at the forefront of change, there is apprehension over whether AI will take over end-user support completely.

Celebrating customers like you in our new campaign

Two years ago, we hosted our first-ever community event in London, bringing together local Asana customers to meet and learn from one another. During the event, Chris Butler-Stroud, CEO of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation, shared the following about his team’s experience with Asana: "I can genuinely say that there are more dolphins and whales alive today thanks to Asana".

6 Tips to Build a World-Class Remote Customer Support Team

The most successful brands in today’s competitive market have one thing in common – they offer outstanding customer support and prioritize customer satisfaction (CSAT). CSAT is largely dependent on customers’ interactions with your customer care department, starting with the first touch. Having the right team is the key to delivering outstanding customer experience.

Getting started with Mattermost integrations

Mattermost is well-known as a flexible, open source messaging platform. But what makes it even more useful is its ability to automate connections with bots and webhooks and to link up to external applications. These automations and connections are known as integrations. Many integrations are available off-the-shelf through the Integrations Directory. But there are lots of ways to create your own.