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How to Display Excel Spreadsheets on a TV Screen

For many, Excel spreadsheets are a no-nonsense way to keep track of your business KPIs. Whether you want to track company revenue, sales team performance or key marketing indicators, Excel is the go-to tool for many business leaders who want a simple way of monitoring the metrics that matter. However, you may have noticed that Excel is not the most effective way of getting your team to take notice of your KPIs.

Safeguarding against rising data threat instances - The role of wAnywhere security

Growing data breach occurrences are the biggest concern for industries where maintaining high regulation is critical. With the challenges ahead involving managing remote and hybrid teams in evolving workplaces, aligning them with compliance rules, and securing business operations – concerned organizations with data-intensive operations are looking for the right solutions to gain threat intelligence and avoid non-compliance or loss of client trust.

Visual project management: Tools, templates, and strategies

Visual project management allows you to see your project tasks and workload displayed in a visual format. When you can see your work, it’s easier to streamline efforts across your team, stay on track, and avoid potential bottlenecks. Often, this is done as a project timeline, calendar, or Kanban board. Learn more about the most common visual project management tools and how to use each (with examples).

How I do it in Miro: Run retrospectives with software engineer Rob Hopps

Even if you’re not an engineer, if you work in tech, chances are you’re familiar with retrospectives. Some might argue that retros are a waste of time, emphasize the negatives, or can suffer from a recency bias. Despite these challenges, retros are an important part of development work. They help teams learn from past mistakes, celebrate the successes, and — when practiced long-term — can capture trends and patterns that foster more comprehensive insights.

How to accomplish big things with long-term goals

Long-term goals are objectives you want to achieve months or years down the road. Setting this type of goal gives your work purpose, helps you make better decisions, and offers a hefty dose of daily motivation. In this article, we explain how you can use long-term goals to accomplish big things over time, with examples. When you think of an ideal future for your work, what do you see?

How To Implement & Utilize A School CRM: A Guide for Educational Leaders

A well-implemented school CRM can streamline communication, strengthen relationships with students and families, and ultimately fuel a thriving school community. However, navigating the process of choosing and utilizing a school CRM can feel overwhelming. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps you need to successfully implement and leverage a CRM for your school's benefit.

Essential Productivity Metrics to Streamline Your Retail Operations

Explore the power of Insightful PC monitor software in enhancing key productivity metrics in retail. Learn how real-time data and comprehensive reporting can streamline operations, track time worked, boost growth, and improve customer experiences.

Effective prioritization in business for sustainable growth

Establishing priorities helps businesses manage the rough waters of multiple demands from the market and internal pressures. It’s the decisive element that can drive a business into chaotic inefficiency or drive it to new heights of success. Effective prioritization is not just advantageous, but crucial in the high-stakes game of corporate expansion.

Invest in winning ideas with assumption mapping

A healthcare tech team has an exciting new idea. They see an opportunity to integrate new app features that support patient care beyond telemedicine appointments, like how-to videos for home exercise programs prescribed by physical therapists and detailed dietary guidelines from nutritionists. So they send out user surveys and develop a beta version for early adopters, who enjoy the new additions. But when they roll out the final version, it’s a flop. What happened?