At Blue Label Labs, we stand by select products like Miro because of their ability to enrich processes and furnish visual, collaborative tools that make our lives easier. We love using Slack for our day-to-day communications, but when it comes to intensive events like running design sprints, Miro is the centerpiece that brings our efforts together. It’s an excellent product, but it shines even brighter when effectively using plugins like Jira, which we will cover here.
In one fell swoop, we embarked on what was at once fascinating and essential. To comply with accessibility standards, we decided to revamp the end user portal in its entirety. The word “revamp” is always fascinating. It allows us to add new and improved forms, structures, or appearances with a plethora of choices. We designed the new portal with accessibility in mind.
We’re excited to announce our partnership with Canonical to build a Mattermost Operator using the Juju Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), making it easy to install, integrate and upgrade Mattermost.
In this update, after launching two of the biggest and most significant features yet (hint, we’re talking about the Gantt chart and Customer portal, of course), we’ve been doing some spring cleaning. This means improving and fixing seemingly smaller, yet essential things all over Scoro. See what we’ve been up to.
As a business owner or manager, you must keep track of your employees’ attendance, including their check-in, check-out, and overtime hours, to ensure smooth workflows and accurate payroll management. Fortunately, you can use employee attendance software to record all these data and visualize them as detailed reports. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of a time and attendance report and highlight four useful tools that record and analyze the time and attendance data.
Working in shifts is necessary for industries where you need to provide 24/7 to meet customer demands. And as a team manager, you may face difficulties in guiding and managing team productivity. Fortunately, a 2-2-3 work schedule can help you and your team work smoothly and manage their work-life balance. In this article, we’ll discuss the 2-2-3 work schedule and its variations. We’ll also share a few tips that’ll help you manage your team while following the 2-2-3 work schedule.
Customer Satisfaction surveys are emailed surveys sent out to a customer within 24 hours of their ticket being marked into a finished state. If more than one customer has requested the ticket, the most recent requestor receives the survey email.
OneDesk has just released the April 2021 update to OneDesk with many new features and improvements. This update will go live on April 24, 2021.
OneDesk’s customer success surveys allow you to assess your customer support team’s level of support. These surveys are sent out by email to the customer once a ticket has been closed. The customer can then rate the service as negative or positive and leave a comment about their experience.