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Call Centre Screen Monitoring - What are the Use Cases and Benefits You Need to Know

Data-intensive BPO operations are at the center of attacks and need strong security measures to identify and prevent threats before they cause damage. An IBM Data Breach Report 2024 reveals that organizations suffer an average data breach cost of USD 5.36M in the absence of a robust security system in place. Growing breach instances and regulatory costs indicate an urgent need for effective BPO security to control data privacy and ensure workplace compliance.

A Comprehensive Guide on Hierarchy Management System

A firm with a large workforce runs its business in a hierarchical structure. It is based on a multi-layered hierarchy within the organization within which multiple levels of management are connected through a chain of command. The number of levels in an organization grows as it expands, and the structure becomes taller. However, managing each level is quite a task, and so is why investing in the hierarchy management system is a wise decision.

What is Device Management in IoT? A Comprehensive Guide for MSPs

Step into the Internet of Things (IoT), where seamless connectivity and real-time data sharing transform modern operations. As Managed Service Providers (MSPs) increasingly navigate this landscape, the efficient management of IoT devices emerges as a pivotal task within their repertoire. From orchestrating initial deployment to overseeing ongoing monitoring and end-of-life management, IoT device management becomes paramount for MSPs aiming to deliver seamless IoT services.

5 Best Time Tracking Software For Consultants

Managing client projects profitably can be challenging — many consultants rely on cumbersome manual processes and spreadsheets. Not only do spreadsheets waste time, but they also waste money: billing errors and limited visibility into resource utilization often result in lost revenue. In this guide, we’ll look at some of the best time tracking software for consultants to help you ditch the spreadsheets and increase your profit margins.

Do more with diagramming: Combine the powers of and Miro

If your work requires you to create diagrams, you might be familiar with (also, an open-source, web-based diagramming tool offering complex and niche diagrams: network diagrams, server rack diagrams, floor plans, and more. You might also use Miro, an innovation workspace that lets you virtually collaborate with colleagues on a variety of tasks and projects — whether it’s brainstorming, planning, designing, or building the next big thing.

Burndown chart: What it is and how to use it (with example)

A burndown chart is a graph that represents the work left to do versus the time it takes to complete it. It can be especially useful for teams working in sprints, as it can effectively show whether your deadlines are able to be met along the way. Find out how to create your own burndown chart. You start your Monday off with a sprint meeting. You find out there was an issue with development, which could set you back a couple of days. You wonder, is there even enough time to get it all done by next week?

Remote Work Monitoring Software: Boost Productivity & Security

In the growing new reality of working from home to some extent or another, it is difficult to keep the work rate high, ensure security, and improve the team’s unity. Introducing our innovative solution for effective, smooth, and productive remote work without risk meets the Remote Work Monitoring software. Remote work monitoring software is an application that employers can employ to monitor and control the productivity levels of employees who work in remote environments.

How to create a CRM strategy that drives sales and loyalty

A CRM strategy is a company-wide plan to increase revenue and improve customer relationships using specific actions and technology. In this piece, we teach you how to build a CRM strategy with the use of CRM software. CRM software helps teams turn strategy into action by consolidating data. It also helps teams improve existing CRM strategies to better meet customer needs. In business-to-consumer (B2C) companies, the buyer journey is paramount. Happy customers are loyal to brands they love.