Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Dark Data - A Potential Gold Mine for Customer Support

All our activities, online and offline, leave an almost imperceptible electronic trail. Traffic cameras “see” you cross a junction around the same time each weekday, your phone lets your favorite coffee shop know when and how long you visit through their “free” Wi-Fi. The data collected by these devices or from our interactions with others tend to end up in a data archive somewhere, unused and unanalyzed.

Kick Up Your Help Desk Productivity with These New Apps from the Freshdesk Marketplace

The all-new Freshworks Marketplace is in full swing and in case you haven’t had a look at it yet, now would be the perfect time to check it out. Over the past month, we have been steadily adding more and more intuitive and easy-to-use apps to the Freshdesk Marketplace. From an app that drastically reduces the number of tickets you encounter to an app that helps you get up to date on the latest data protection and privacy protocol, we have you covered.

Is Ditching Phone Customer Support a Smart Decision?

There’s an old saying – “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” – that sometimes rings all too true for customer support teams. When prioritizing support inquiries, there’s a hierarchy of channels. Email sits at the bottom, with response times ranging into hours or even days. Chat is somewhere in the middle, with customers expecting a response in a few minutes. Phone support sits at the very top.

Can Artificial Intelligence Drive Customer Loyalty?

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has amazing potential to drive customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is a huge priority for most businesses. It’s one of the key facets of customer retention, as it reduces customer churn. Reducing churn is desirable since it typically costs four times more to gain a new customer than to keep hold of an existing customer. You also have a 70% probability of making a sale to an existing customer, versus 20% to a new customer.

Mastering communication: a product manager's superpower

There are a lot of hard skills required on your path to becoming a great product manager such as coding, data analytics, user experience design and digital marketing. But developing your soft skills is just as important, especially as you grow into senior product management roles.