Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


How Technology Enables Precise Communication and Coordination in the Defense Industry

In the high-stakes defense sector, where the margin for error is razor-thin, communication is everything. Imagine coordinating over 1.3 million active-duty personnel across the globe. That's the reality for the United States, home to one of the world's largest military forces. This sheer size underscores the need for seamless communication. It's about ensuring messages are sent, clear, received, and correctly understood, no matter the circumstances.

9 Benefits of Using a Time Tracker in a Remote Team

In the current technological scenario, the hiring of remote teams to complete tasks and projects has become a trend. It gives employees the flexibility to work efficiently from anywhere. However, this flexibility can sometimes cross boundaries, which results in the team not delivering the project on time or taking certain un-needed liberties. However, due to good time tracker applications, monitoring, tracking, and managing remote staff has become easier.

Smart team structure strategies for your organization's future

In today’s corporate environment, your team’s structure can either be the key to success or a roadblock to reaching your objectives. The formation of a cohesive team is essential for increasing output, facilitating easy communication, and elevating employee happiness. This blog post attempts to analyze several team structuring strategies, highlighting their significance and offering guidance on creating the ideal structure to meet the particular requirements of your company.

How to set up reports and alerts in Slack

If your team uses both and Slack then it’s likely you’ve tried their native integration for managing activity between the two channels. But what about reporting on the overall performance of your team with data from When working on goals that extend further than individual tasks it can be helpful to have a holistic view of activity in a report.

5 innovative team structure models for modern businesses

The success of a firm can be determined by the effectiveness of its team structure in the fast-paced and dynamic business environment of today. The adaptability, cooperation, and creativity needed by modern enterprises are beyond the capabilities of traditional hierarchical frameworks. In response, companies are investigating novel team structures that promote ingenuity, self-governance, and flexibility.

Implementing Agile team structure for enhanced team performance

Agile methodology is a word with deep resonance in the software development community that describes a set of software development principles where requirements and solutions are developed collaboratively by self-organizing and cross-functional teams. It promotes flexible reactions to change, early delivery, evolutionary development, adaptive planning, and continuous improvement.

9 Smart Ways to Track Computer Usage in 2024

With the advances in technology over the years and various developments in the tech industry, the working decorum has also significantly changed. Nowadays, smart work is the key and thus you also need smart tracking with Computer Monitoring Software for your employees. In this blog, we will tell you 9 smart ways to track computer usage in 2024.

6 key components of a high-performing team structure

It is impossible to overestimate the significance of putting together a high-performing team in the fast-paced, constantly-changing business environment of today. Establishments that place a high priority on creating cohesive teams are frequently at the forefront of innovation, production, and employee happiness.

How our TV dashboard improved team performance

Adam Martoccia, eSupport Manager at Morris-Jenkins tells us how surfacing key information from and Google Sheets on TV dashboards had a positive impact on their contact center performance. At Morris-Jenkins, they believe in empowering their people with data. Adam realized his Digital Support Team would perform better if they had visibility and awareness of their KPIs, so he started looking into TV dashboards as a potential solution.