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Yelp's remote-first policy boost applicants by 43%

Yelp’s audacious move to implement a remote-first strategy has redefined workplace standards by taking a huge step forward. The firm has seen an astounding 43% increase in employment applications since making its transition in 2021, a sign of the growing popularity of remote work. The 2024 Remote Work Report outlines the several benefits of this shift, including increased worker happiness, increased productivity, and a discernible improvement in general well-being.

Unlocking Success: Kolleno's journey to effortless sales and marketing campaign planning with Miro

Kolleno’s quest for a tool to revolutionize its multi-channel campaigns planning led to a pivotal partnership with Miro. Miro played a vital role in simplifying planning, fostering teamwork, and boosting productivity. Its visual collaboration capabilities exceeded expectations, setting the stage for Kolleno’s success in efficiently scaling its business operations.

How to use benchmarking to set your standards for success

How do you know when your work is successful? Benchmarking is a data-driven process that helps you create your own standards to measure success. Setting benchmarks is a simple way to set clear expectations for your team. In this article, learn the different types of benchmarking and the steps to create your own benchmarks. Success is a vague term—what is it? And how do you know when you, your projects, and your business are successful? The truth is, everyone measures their success differently.

Your guide to understanding (and improving) organizational efficiency

There’s a difference between getting the work done and getting the work done well. As a leader, you’re likely most focused on the second part. You don’t just want to get random tasks across the finish line at any cost — you want to maximize your team’s resources and deliver high-quality work that makes a meaningful impact on your organization. Whether you use the academic term to describe it or not, what you’re working toward is better organizational efficiency.

6 steps for writing a persuasive project proposal

A project proposal is a written document outlining everything stakeholders should know about a project, including the timeline, budget, objectives, and goals. Your project proposal should summarize your project details and sell your idea so stakeholders buy in to the initiative. In this guide, we’ll teach you how to write a project proposal so you can win approval and succeed at work.

Don't like giving feedback? These 20 tips are for you

Giving effective feedback is a critical skill for all team members to have. In this article, we cover 11 best practices for giving any type of feedback. Plus, get four tips to give feedback as a team manager, and five steps to give upwards feedback to a manager or leader. If you’re uncomfortable giving feedback, you’re not alone. Even though feedback is a critical part of effective workplace communication, a lot of us don’t know how to approach feedback in a constructive way.

Best Practices for Effective Support: A Guide to Customer Intelligence

In today's highly competitive business environment, a company's success hinges on its ability to provide effective customer support. A key aspect of this is team collaboration - the more effectively your team can work together, the better they will be at solving customer issues and delivering a superior experience. Let's discuss how team collaboration and customer intelligence can enhance your team's performance.

The EU Digital Markets Act is here.

March 7th 2024 is the deadline for large messaging providers (so called ‘gatekeepers’) to comply with the EU’s Digital Markets Act regulation, which requires them to offer interoperability to third party messaging services. This lets users use their preferred messaging service, rather than being obligated to use the same service that their contacts happen to be on.

The 3 Client Communication Risks (& How to Avoid Them) w/ Susan Fennema

It can be terrifying to allow your clients to “see how the sausage is made,” and this is one of the main concerns related to handling client communications within your project management or professional service automation software. While there are benefits to streamlining your client communications and inviting them into the system that runs your agency–benefits like visibility, client perception & efficiency–each of those benefits comes with some pretty intimidating risks.