Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Using data to amplify the Voice of Customer

If a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, a customer’s journey could begin at a myriad of touchpoints from every possible direction. It’s dizzying, but because customer experience is a key differentiator, it’s more important than ever to have a holistic understanding of the customer’s journey from every new touchpoint — across the entire organization. The different parts of your organization need to understand each other.

How to Create a Digital Experience that the Connected Customer Loves

We live in a more connected world than ever before. 90% of consumers have and use multiple devices to complete everyday tasks (including shopping) so having just a great in-store experience, or a killer website is no longer enough. In 2019, you have to provide a consistently excellent experience on all channels to win over the connected customer. However, the effort is worth it, as the rewards are great.

How To Build A Winning Customer Service Culture In Your Company

What is service culture, exactly? Is it a templated approach to customer service that support teams take? No, it isn’t as simple as that. Service culture is a sustainable organizational culture that bridges the void between workplace culture and customer-centricity. It encourages a collective effort from customer-facing teams across your company to inherently prioritize customers.

OneDesk Case Study - Local Government

In this day and age, all aspects of life are progressively going online. This extends to even behemoths of organizations such as governments. Historically, governments have often lagged behind in keeping up with the most current technological landscape, opting instead to focus on running their jurisdictions and disciplines.

Launch: Basecamp Gets Personal

Since the beginning, Basecamp has been marketed as a project management and collaboration tool for small businesses (or small teams inside larger businesses). However, over the years we’ve also heard from thousands of people who use Basecamp outside of work. They’ve gone off-label and turned to Basecamp to help them manage all sorts of personal projects too. No surprise there – it really works!

Creating a Team of Remote Professionals That Can Handle Anything

Building a successful remote team takes time, thought and planning, but it certainly yields huge benefits. Flexible work hours are no longer reserved for tech startups – in today’s age of global connectivity, entrepreneurs are able to hire the smartest, most competent people regardless of where they live. Without further ado, here’s how to choose, hire and motivate remote professionals and create a brain trust that delivers every time, everywhere.

Zulip Chat vs Mattermost Review : Which Open Source Chat Server is Better

In 2016, Uber made an unexpected move and left Slack for Mattermost. The ridesharing company needed an enterprise-grade collaboration tool which Slack couldn’t scale. When Uber decided to create its messaging solution on Mattermost, both companies collaborated to implement an upgrade of Mattermost platform to meet Uber’s needs. Akamai, the world’s leading content delivery network service provider, has been using Zulip for remote collaboration with employees for many years.

The Guide to Escalation Management in Customer Service

The goal of every customer service team is to ensure that a customer’s issues or grievances are being addressed. Whether that’s a returned item, a billing discrepancy or a software bug – the first line of defense is the agent that your customer reaches out to. But what if the issue is the support received itself?

Five Customer Service Strategies That Win

Simply put, your business needs customer service strategies that improve their productivity and customer satisfaction. The right strategies help your customers resolve their issues faster and enable your agents to provide better support. Here are five of the winning customer service strategies every business should be using.

Expanding omnichannel support with WhatsApp

For more and more companies, offering customers exceptional omnichannel service and support has become a top priority. Customers have come to expect that they can connect with companies in the channels that are the most important to them—whether that’s email, phone, live chat, self-service FAQs, or social media. And for hundreds of millions of people around the world, that list of critical channels now includes WhatsApp.