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5 Benefits of Having Automation for Unlock Account Requests on IT Helpdesk

A report by Forrester Research concluded that about 20% of all support tickets are related to passwords and unlocking an account. Another study concluded that the cost of a help desk call today averages around 30 Euro, which, undeniably is, quite high in terms of customer serviceability cost. Combining these two studies, it is not difficult to estimate the expenditure IT service desks would bear just to solve tickets related to account unlocking issues.

Driving revenue with customer analytics

If you’ve ever watched The Office, you might remember the episode when Dwight and Jim discover that their customers have been giving them terrible reviews. They’re in total and utter denial — “The reason that I got bad customer reviews is because I didn’t! There is a massive conspiracy going on here!” Dwight protests.

How to save time with customer service email templates

When Birchbox, a personalized beauty subscription service, was founded in 2010, they had just a few people answering customer emails. Eight years later, they had a team of 54 support agents managing a monthly volume of nearly 38,000 tickets across multiple channels. With the efficiencies gained from implementing a robust customer support software, they actually reduced their cost per contact and achieved their fastest resolution time ever, despite the company’s rapid growth.

The 7 Factors of Positive Self-Service Experiences

As a customer, hearing the answer “go read this self-service article” from a support agent can be a frustrating experience. So many companies do self-service poorly that this type of response can feel like the agent is brushing the customer aside to focus on another issue. However, a great self-service experience can change this feeling of being ignored to one of feeling satisfied and empowered.

Leveraging customer service to impact customer acquisition

Businesses tend to primarily associate customer acquisition with marketing and sales. They often leave customer service out of the equation because they forget that customer acquisition includes the ability to convert prospects that are already in contact with your business. Prospects often subscribe to email newsletters, follow your business on social media, or read your blog, demonstrating a level of interest and familiarity that hasn’t turned into monthly recurring revenue—yet.