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5 Advantages and Benefits of an Online Help Desk Solution

Company growth is a great thing and it puts a buzz in the air that is tough to match. With this increase in revenue and customers, however, often comes a higher volume of help desk tickets. Before you know it, your lone help desk employee is working overtime to keep up. After adding a couple people to truly make your own help desk “team”, you realize that spreadsheets and emails aren’t the way to go.

Think AI for Customer Support is all hype? Think again!

It would be easy to think the benefits of AI are massively overhyped. Every day there’s another article extolling the future of robots answering customer questions and reducing the need for customer support representatives. But you could be forgiven for thinking this is all hype. So far, results have been less than impressive.

How Can Self-Service Reduce Support Tickets in E-commerce

In the world of e-commerce customer support, it’s easy to be overwhelmed by tickets. And it can be a nightmare. Too many tickets + not enough agents to answer them = complete support overload. On average, internal support teams receive 492 tickets each month. That’s more than one hundred tickets each week, or ~16 tickets each day. And that’s just the average. Your brand might be receiving a much higher number.

How AI assistants close the gaps in customer service

AI assistants are capable of quite a bit more than their living room responsibilities, although we very much appreciate that they can order us pizza and play Spotify. In the workplace, they’re helping to fill the gaps that commonly plague customer service: miscommunications, uninformed support agents, and meeting customers’ expectations. As much as machine learning has been touted for providing better customer experiences, it can help drive better customer engagement as well.

Top 15 Tools to Overcome Productivity Killers for Your Customer Support Team

Measuring the productivity of the customer support team in terms of the overall company profits might seem like mission impossible. But it isn’t. In the long run, your customer support team makes a huge impact on marketing your products. You cannot deny that customers return only to those brands or companies that solve their issues faster.

Freshworks Launches "Freddy": an AI Engine to enrich customer experience at every touchpoint

Freshworks a global leader in customer engagement software, has announced the launch of “Freddy”, an “Omnibot” AI engine that enhances the sales, support and marketing capabilities for businesses of all sizes.

How Zendesk customers gain value with ticketing and real-time support

Expectations for the speed of support have skyrocketed. With literal instant messaging available between loved ones, friends, and coworkers, it’s an unsurprising evolution to expect instant responses from the companies we buy from. The number of U.S. online shoppers who use live chat has increased from 38% to 58% over the last five years.

5 ways that AI is already benefitting the customer experience

As customers and companies become more familiar and comfortable with artificial intelligence, the conversations around it have become less “pie in the sky” and more along the lines of “oh, that’s how it can be used”. The speculations into how we might work alongside our robot coworkers and the potential of machine learning won’t end anytime soon, but there’s a lot to be said about practical applications of AI technology.

Our Journey towards Cross-Platform Development

Mobile apps are now almost second nature to us. They’ve streamlined our day-to-day activities and made our tasks easier. We at Freshworks offer a mobile app version of every product in the Freshworks suite. Initially, we developed all the apps on our native platform. However, as we grew rapidly and started adding more products to our suite, it became increasingly difficult to replicate our rich features over different mobile platforms––Windows, iOS, or Android.