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Hybrid Work

What are Hybrid Teams and How to Manage Them Effectively in 2021

Looking for tips to manage hybrid teams? Most teams used to work on-site before the COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent lockdown. Now, the work model has changed — some employees work remotely, while others work from the office. As a manager, you may face difficulties executing this hybrid workplace model due to the lack of proper communication, ambiguous guidelines, etc. In this article, we’ll cover 8 tips to help you manage your hybrid team.

The Risks of Hybrid Work

Remote work has been one of the great success stories of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has made employees happier and more productive, and has provided major cost savings for some employers. Working remotely is now considered by many to be the future of work. Despite all the positives that workers have enjoyed while working from home, some people are still anxious to get back to the office. Some employers want their teams back where they can see them as soon as possible.

Time Doctor Metrics for Hybrid Workforces

As workplaces start to reopen post-pandemic, many companies are struggling with the decision of how and where they will operate and how to set up their teams to be the most productive. A large number of companies are choosing to stay fully remote while a smaller portion are choosing to go back into the office full time.

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Is IT Prepared for a Hybrid Remote Workplace Environment?

Return to work is happening. After working remotely from home for months due to Covid, companies are now offering employees the option to return to their workplace. In a survey done by Google, 62% of its workers would like to return to the office at some point and see their work future as more flexible. This sentiment is catching up among the rest of the enterprises in Silicon Valley and the rest of America. The hybrid remote workplace model continues to be appreciated by employees seeking to spend more time with family and engaging with the office community.