All aboard the integration train
This month brings quite a number of new integrations, mostly surrounding Sell, to better ease the workload of your sales team. Dive in!
This month brings quite a number of new integrations, mostly surrounding Sell, to better ease the workload of your sales team. Dive in!
In person, you can easily tell someone’s mood based on their body language and how they speak, but that’s much more difficult with text alone. Emojis are a great way to add tone to a piece of text and also help make text-based conversation feel more casual, relaxed, and fun. Thanks to emojis, we can chat with much more real emotion than you might get by being careful about your word choice or by including just the right number of exclamation marks and periods at the end of a sentence.
“The next big thing most likely to kill 10 million people will not be a war but a virus.” — Bill Gates, Ted Talk 2015 Who could have imagined that his farsightedness would hold true in 2020, have us locked in our homes, and the global economy falling like a house of cards? COVID-19 has affected lives of people across the globe in a way that many unexpected things are becoming the new normal.
Now that we’ve all dived into the deep end of remote working (thanks, #covid-19), it’s time product managers take stock of which tools and practices will help their teams maintain both focus and motivation. Previously PMs enjoyed the co-location perks of in-person stand-up meetings, watercooler chats, and live dynamic brainstorming. But without those opportunities for nuanced face-to-face communication, how can you lead your product effectively?
New research shows that constantly staring at faces up close can be mentally draining. Here are 4 tips for managing a deluge of virtual meetings
April 24, 2020 Remote work isn’t just a growing trend anymore – it has rapidly become a necessity for businesses all over the world. While many are adapting to working from home for the first time, even teams that are already remote are having to adjust their routines and mindset. They are having to deal with a whole new work dynamic that they’ve never tried before.
Businesses are rapidly evolving, particularly in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. If anything, the pandemic has accelerated change, demanding organizations make bigger pivots even faster.
The software-buying process is notoriously stressful and complex, which tends to carry over when buyers become customers, given the challenges many support organizations grapple with. According to Dan Gingiss, author and keynote speaker, customer support experts and practitioners showed marginal improvement in 2019. Since the buying journey is already complex, does the customer journey have to be just as complicated?