Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management

March 2024

Time's Ticking: The Secret Weapon of Chronoworking

Explore the concept of chronoworking and its impact on productivity and well-being. Delve into global workforce dynamics, flexible scheduling trends, and generational preferences. Discover how Insightful activities tracker empowers remote efficiency, shaping the future of work.

B2B Customer Journey Map - Elevate Your Business Success

Welcome to the exciting world of customer experience (CX) and its significance for your business. Addressing customer journey pain points is key to attracting and retaining loyal customers. Customer experience management is the approach that allows you to create and optimize every interaction a customer has with your brand.

How a successful product leader inspires innovation: An interview with Miro community member Michel Hauzeur

Innovation is the lifeblood of any forward-thinking organization, and to achieve innovation, you need well-structured, collaborative teams. Michel Hauzeur — a Bogotá, Colombia-based Miro user and leader in product development and design — has mastered the art of fostering innovation through strategic team-building. Hauzeur is the Product Design & Innovation Leader at a tech service company called Nearsure, an independent consultant, and speaker..

The basics of burn-up charts: What they are and how to make them

Burn-up charts are just one tool in the project manager’s toolbox — but these humble charts can be impressively effective. They’re perfect for presenting a quick snapshot of project progress, as well as showing progress over time or the ways a project’s scope keeps shifting. The burn-up chart is well worth understanding and adding to your arsenal. So let’s take a look at what a burn-up chart actually is and how to make your own.

Tailor forms to your clients-and get more accurate results-with Conditional Logic

If you're doing any sort of client work, chances are you know the pains of onboarding new clients. There may even be times when you've sent them one of those generic questionnaires that asks about everything under the sun. Bored, the client loses interest, filling out the form with the most perfunctory answers so they can get through it ASAP. Ask yourself: is anyone happy about this? Enter Conditional Logic, a revolution in form creation that adjusts in real time based on your clients' answers.

Practical Solutions for Enhanced Productivity Management

Many businesses struggle with workplace productivity, impacting their bottom line. But you could unlock the full potential of your workforce and achieve exceptional results. This guide dives deep into practical solutions for productivity management. We’ll explore strategies to reduce overtime, boost employee morale, and propel your organization forward.

Top 4 Modern Performance Review Methods In 2024

On average, an employee spends 9-10 hours of the day at work and gets his performance review report periodically. But, wait. What do you think? Is this process seamless, unaffecting the ones who receive negative feedback at work, even if they work day in & day-out? The answer is NO. The process & the result are not always positive for everyone. I want to take you through some real-life questions of employees, who have a hard time during their performance review process.

Mastering change request management: Understanding its essentials, tips, and best practices

Change is unavoidable — but that doesn’t make it easy. Clients change their minds, industries evolve, and business trends pop up fast and fade away just as quickly. The longer you work in and around projects, the more you see how easy it is for changes to delay or even derail a project. To get a handle on project changes, many client services organizations adopt a formal or informal system of change request management.