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How to Set Boundaries with Employees: Professional Guidelines for the Workplace

Boundaries are such a blurry line! In general, as a manager or an employer, how can you identify when you can be friendly without jeopardizing your status as a boss? Yes, there is a fine line between being a boss and a friend to your employees! We know you want to be friendly and personable, but you must also set boundaries and enforce rules. If you don’t set limits, you could end up crossing the line and becoming too “approachable“, which can lead to problems in the workplace.

12 Brainstorming Techniques To Foster Creativity

Where to get ideas? It can’t be all about having a shower day and night, walking a dozen miles, or hanging out with your muse daily. We can’t rely only on those magic rituals considered adequate for some of us in our daily work. There must be specific tools you can use anytime you feel stuck or need help knowing where to begin. And they do exist. Welcome brainstorming techniques!

How To Have A Productive Day: 11 Killable Tips

As the demands of our daily lives become increasingly complex, it is essential to have a productive day to keep up. Recent studies have found that remote workers are 13% more effective when they work from home as opposed to in an office environment. However, it can be difficult to remain motivated and focused when working remotely or from home. That is why we have collected 10 killable tips for having a productive day.

Challenges vs. Solutions: Boost Your Agency's ROI

Managing any agency, by its nature, offers unique challenges. Are you interested in beating those challenges? Well, we have an ultimate software solution to boost your agency’s processes, productivity, and ROI. So, to become a high performing agency, you must understand the fundamentals of effective productivity management and exercise complete control over your company’s resources to improve efficiency and growth.

7 KPIs to Improve Software Developers' Productivity

As a developer or software engineer, sometimes you might feel drained, lacking focus, and frustrated with your productivity. It’s common for many programmers because development is such a difficult process that requires strong focus and an unrelenting mind. Productive developers are those who produce quality work. They know what they’re good at and continue to do that. Which company doesn’t want that? To say that developer productivity is an easy topic would be a lie.