You see them on Instagram or Tik Tok, laptop perched on a table in a café overlooking the beach in some dream holiday destination. They usually caption it with something like “Today’s office” to make all their friends stuck in a dreary downtown cubicle jealous. They’re the digital nomads. Kids in their twenties living the dream, armed with just a laptop, a decent education, and a sense of adventure. Except they’re not in their 20s anymore.
Mention the word “timesheets” to someone who has worked at an agency and it’ll probably send shivers down their spine and have them running for the hills. It’ll conjure up memories of frantically going through emails and to-do lists on a Friday, and somehow making things add up to 40 hours for the week. We’ve all been there! For an industry so dependent on good time management for success, it can be difficult to explain why most agencies struggle to do it effectively.
Great service relies on having a complete view of your customers. That means bringing all your support channels, workflows, customer data and apps into a unified workspace so agents have the context they need for every customer interaction. But businesses need to take the idea of a single customer view one step further.
OMG it’s fast! Element X isn’t just the fastest Matrix client ever - it’s up to 6000x faster than any other Matrix client. Faster than a cheetah, a peregrine falcon, or a speeding bullet! Faster than light! Faster than light in a vacuum!! Seriously, Element X is a transformation and we’re outrageously proud of it. Not only is it faster, but it’s also got a vastly improved interface which delivers a far better user experience.
Productivity red flags can be hard to spot. Two forces – the transition to remote work and the rise of quiet quitting – tend to keep the source of productivity problems hidden in outsourcing firms, so only the outcomes are visible. We recently surveyed outsourcing companies of all shapes and sizes from around the world and learned that a staggering 80% of companies are facing these kinds of challenges.