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How to Improve Developer Productivity for Your Organization

Fostering a developer team that is empowered to consistently and quickly produce their best work is a necessary goal for every software team. But the demands on developer teams to produce more code faster than ever — combined with the challenges of remote work — can create an environment that isn’t conducive to developer productivity. Want to improve developer productivity at your organization?

Team Structure: How To Create a Team?

Employees are the most valuable asset of any organization, and creating a proper team structure offers an opportunity to maximize their talents. An efficient collaboration within multi-talented team members is a gateway to a company’s success. Three in four employees consider teamwork and collaboration as “very important,” but unfortunately, 39% of employees globally say their firms don’t collaborate enough. The reason?

Why Collaboration Keeps Growing in the Remote Work World

For years, experts have been saying that telecommuting—otherwise known as working from home—would be the "wave of future." However, few predicted the wave would rapidly crash into the real world so quickly to become the "new normal." A recent study showed about 20% of people said they worked from home prior to the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak. As of late 2021, 71% of workers were reportedly working from home.

Top 15 Workpuls Alternatives in 2022, Tried & Tested

Check out this list of 15 best Workpuls alternatives. Compare the top features, pricing and user ratings to find out the best fit for your needs. If you're running out of time, skip to #1. Are you the one that chooses the best one after trying so many alternatives? Alternatively, if you've used Workpuls for a few days and are now seeking for the best alternative, this list will be useful.

The 13 Best Live Chat Software Tools for 2022 [Review and Key Features]

For businesses today, taking care to reach customers where they are, and connecting with them on their terms, is critical. Where are customers spending their time? On instant messaging and social media apps such as Slack, text messages and WhatsApp. In today’s digital-first world, receiving customer support through such channels seems like the most logical approach, and for many customers, this is indeed the case.

7 Ways to Build a Positive Company Culture with a Remote Team

Building a positive work environment and a thriving company culture should be one of your main aims as a leader. This becomes even more important when you’re dealing with a remote team and want to make sure everyone is still included. Creating a positive work environment and a strong team can mean many things. It could include giving your team regular breaks (to let them play a cheeky round of lucky pharaoh) or organizing social activities. Improving work morale is also great for your business.

Conflict Management and the Major Incident Management Process

Major incidents are, by their very nature, stressful and intense. The ITIL 4 definition of a major incident is: High-stress situations can cause conflict that left unchecked could delay the fix effort. Since we already have a definitive guide on incident management, this blog post will focus specifically on the major incident management process.

The 10 Best Video Calling Apps for Businesses

Video calling apps have become an essential part of everyday life, whether personal or business. Everyone, especially during the pandemic, had a strong desire to know the whereabouts of others, which video calls made possible. While some people were evaluating their relatives, friends, etc., health, others were checking their employees' both health and resources to continue with their regular operations while working remotely.