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Cyber Security Solutions For Business: Check How They Differ?

As of 2022, all sizes of businesses face increased cybersecurity risks due to the rising number of remote employees, SaaS applications, and cloud services. To handle these complexities and protect all corporate assets from cyber attacks, businesses need various cyber security tools that will secure identities, devices, networks, and cloud environments. Let’s explain these modern security solutions and compare them.

7 Must Have Team Monitoring Software To Make Managing Your Workforce Easy

For employers, monitoring employees’ performance can be a daunting task. It can be difficult to keep track of all the different people who work for you and ensure that they are doing their jobs properly, as it requires a lot of time and effort. However, with the ever-changing technology, there are now some great platforms and options through which business management can track their workforce and see their daily performance to have great visibility among their employees and their workflow.

ITSM Tools Comparison: Top 5 Service Desk Software Alternatives

Choosing service desk software is not an easy task. It usually takes months (if not years) to settle down on a solution, and a considerable amount of that time is spent gathering information on the different options out there. But since this data is scattered throughout the internet, we decided to create the ultimate ITSM tools comparison blog post.

The 4 Day Workweek Trending in the 21st Century

It’s fascinating to witness how the traditional 9-5 workweek is transforming into a routine more adapted to modern life, less rigid, and more approachable. It’s good that with advances in technology and changes in the way we live our lives, business owners and managers are looking for a new way to structure the work week. In this line of thought, the 4-day workweek is becoming an increasingly popular option as more and more companies are seeing the benefits of this flexible schedule.

7 strategies for BPO firms to retain top talent

The ‘war for talent’ is as intense as ever. A quarter of a century since global management consulting firm McKinsey first used the term when highlighting the increasingly fierce competition to attract and retain employees, the global pandemic has taken the challenge to a whole new level, so much so that one global survey of almost 1500 C-suite executives and board members has revealed the issue is now the number one concern for business leaders.

Top 14 call center motivation tips to boost agent engagement

Being a call center agent isn’t an easy job. They have to deal with customers day in and day out — often unhappy, angry, or dissatisfied ones. Additionally, the pressure of meeting targets can leave some feeling quite stressed. So how do you improve call center agent motivation? Don’t worry. In this article, we’ll give you 14 no-nonsense call center agent motivation tips to help you boost both remote and in-office employee engagement, leading to increased overall profitability.

Situational leadership: What is it, benefits, and more

If you’re a leader, you’ve hit a “leadership roadblock” at some point: Whether you’ve been in leadership for a long time or have just recently transitioned into a leadership role, leadership walls or roadblocks happen to everyone eventually. As one of the four key functions of management, leadership is an integral part of every manager’s job. Leading well requires finding new tactics and strategies to overcome even the most complex leadership challenges.