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Content Services Platform (CSP): All You Need to Know about the Term Gartner Introduced Last Year

Last year, the ubiquitous research firm Gartner rebranded their Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Magic Quadrant, now using a new term to describe this group of business solutions — Content Services Platforms (CSP). This rebranding represented a continuation of the idea that they first posited in their 2016 report Reinventing ECM: Introducing Content Services Platforms and Applications.

4 Simple Strategies for Paperless Document Management

Are the corridors of your workspace plagued with manila folders, collated stacks of documents, and endless rows of filing cabinets containing who-knows-what? Mountains of paper aren’t just a sign that your office has a hoarding problem — they’re a signal that it’s time to embrace paperless solutions.

Exoprise Extends the Service Watch Platform to Optimize the Digital Employee Experience

The secret to enterprise success is about driving digital business acceleration. With a new unified communication as a service (UCaaS) experience-based solution, Exoprise is at the forefront of improving workplace productivity and increasing employee retention.

How BPO & outsourcing leaders are using technology to reduce employee attrition

These are difficult times for business leaders. Challenging situations are nothing out of the ordinary for the people responsible for overseeing organizations, with topics such as cash flow, digital transformation and productivity always on their radars. However, the past year has seen a unique concern dominate boardroom conversations around the world – employee attrition.

How to Track Billable Hours of Employees with Time Tracking Software

Do you track billable hours of your employees? If it’s a big no, then you should go for it. Because not having track of your employee’s working hours can cost your company a lot of money every year, maybe in lakhs or billions. In general, it is clearly known as time theft.

How to Learn & Master Self Management Skills

In today’s world, every person who wants to occupy his niche in the world of professions, to build a career, needs leadership skills. They must learn communication skills, self management skills, team management skills, agile project management skills, etc. How to do it? Taking into account the needs of the time and the fact that management is an integral part of any field, it is necessary to develop one’s self-management skills and use them effectively at work.

You've always been at the center.

In the past 18 months, we’ve gone through a major transformation and growth, evolving from an intranet software company to a unified AI-powered employee experience platform company. We’ve focused on building a platform where employees can flourish, and feel connected, supported, and included. Today, we’re introducing our first brand evolution since our beginning. Our new brand reflects the heart of why we do what we do every day — people.

The 10 Best Ways to Include Remote Employee Benefits

As a business owner, you know that remote employees can be a huge asset to your company. Remote workers allow you to expand your reach and grow your business without opening new offices. But what are the benefits of remote employees? And more importantly, what should you offer them to keep them happy and productive? This blog post will discuss ten great benefits you can offer your remote team!

The Fourth Industrial Revolution: How automation and AI will impact manufacturing

Workers on production lines, assembling industrial goods with wrenches is one image that usually comes to mind when people think of the manufacturing industry. But now that we’re in what’s being described as the Fourth Industrial Revolution, that visual is as outdated as the steam engine. According to the World Economic Forum, “the First Industrial Revolution used water and steam power to mechanise production. The second used electric power to create mass production.

3 Ways the Wrong Roadmap Solution Costs You Time

If you’re like most Product Managers, chances are you’re spending far too much time tending to your product roadmaps. We’re not referring here to roadmapping in the strategic sense: reviewing your product roadmap, weighing priorities, making adjustments to timelines, updating strategic goals, discussing capacity levels with your teams, etc. That’s time well spent and there are no shortcuts for the decision-making that is exclusively yours.