How to Make Flexible Working Policies Work For Your Company
Post-pandemic, many companies need to provide their workforce with a more flexible arrangement in order to remain competitive, improve employee satisfaction, and retain employees.
Post-pandemic, many companies need to provide their workforce with a more flexible arrangement in order to remain competitive, improve employee satisfaction, and retain employees.
As companies shift to working in a more agile fashion, shouldn’t their performance management take a similar approach? Find out how to begin implementing a more agile performance management model to suit your modern workforce. Discover digital tools like employee productivity tracking software that can help support your business and its agile transformation.
Along with the Knowledgebase and Messenger, the Tickets and Tasks portals are available as new mobile-friendly web applications. The standard Customer Portal is also still available. These new Ticket/Task Portals allow customers to view, update, discuss, and log timesheets on submitted tickets/tasks. On desktop/laptops the Tickets/Tasks Portal are also available on the widget or can be accessed via a link like other customer applications.
Around 2.7 billion people are frontline workers - that’s about 80 percent of the world’s working population. It covers a huge range of roles, spanning in-home support, hospitality, agriculture, logistics, construction, emergency services and much more. Being on the frontline means that people are often operating from a mobile device. So it’s easy to understand why 53% of frontline workers end up using unapproved consumer-grade messaging apps at work.
For an Internal Communication professional and leader, it is always a challenge coming into a situation where you are taking over an existing internal comms system and IC platform. You are looking to improve on the work of those who came before you. Now, imagine that you are given a clean slate. You get to start the process of building an internal comms system from the ground up.
Payroll is something that can sound easy; the company’s employees are entitled to compensation, and payroll is the function that takes it out of the company’s bank account and puts it into theirs. How hard is it to do payroll? While it sounds simple in theory, it’s actually one of the more complex administrative tasks within an organization. And that’s true whether there are five or fifty employees within the company.
For many companies, schedules are an essential component that allows the organization to run smoothly. It’s helpful for everyone within the business, most notably the employees, who know where and when they need to be ahead of time. However, anyone who has been charged with making a schedule knows how difficult it can be, especially if there are multiple layers to consider.
Have you been wondering “how do I calculate my salary per hour?” You know how much you make each year, but do you know how much you make each hour? There are two types of employees — hourly employees and salaried employees (who sometimes have PTO), and only one of them knows how much their employers are paying for them each hour of their time. But salaried employees can also have this information just by doing some simple calculations.