Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


The Ultimate Guide To Workload Management

Looking for ways to manage your workload efficiently? Managing your team members and keeping track of their workloads isn’t easy. If you overestimate your team’s capacity or put too many to-do lists on an employee’s plate, things can quickly become messy. Workload management is a technique that can help keep your team performing at their best, even when resource numbers are limited and deadlines are edging closer.

How to Measure Employee Productivity in Healthcare

Want to learn how to measure employee productivity in healthcare? Knowing how productive your employees are is essential in just about any industry, including healthcare. This way, you can better determine if you’re meeting patient and company goals and if there’s room for improvement. But what are the productivity metrics you should track when it comes to the healthcare sector?

How To Measure Employee Productivity In A Call Center

Wondering how to measure employee productivity in a call center? Running a call center can be incredibly hectic. While you always have tons of calls coming in and going out, modern call centers are also expanding to provide customer service on other channels like social media and email. And with everything that’s going on in your call center, it can seem impossible to measure employee productivity rates accurately.

How to Avoid Burnout (10 Actionable Strategies)

A few years ago, I was growing a marketing agency. Most of the time, I was working 70-80 hours a week, if not more. (I was much younger then, and I thought I could handle it.) This went on for a couple of years. Week in, week out. Until one day, I just totally burned out. It took me weeks to begin to recover from that episode. And then I vowed never to burn out again.

Scoro: Transform the Way You Work [VIDEO]

After months of planning and behind the scenes work, we’re proud to present – our new Scoro video. We are grateful for everyone who has helped us throughout this project and hope that it shows the world what Scoro is all about – working smarter, not harder. We all deal with issues of immediacy and urgency nowadays. We’re always busy and expected to get more done in less time.

How to create a pyramid of clarity with Goals in Asana

As a team lead, one of your most important responsibilities is to help team members prioritize the right work to support your organization’s goals. Easier said than done, we know. The fact is there are countless projects your team can be working on at any given time—not all of them high priority or impact. So how do you keep pesky low-priority work at bay and ensure everyone is using their limited time and energy effectively?

Design thinking is the low-pressure way to figure out your career (and life)

The one I’m talking about was a meeting with my boss in one of those conference rooms with clear walls, like a fishbowl, when she told me I didn’t get promoted. I’d had a fun, intense, wild ride working at a late-stage startup. But three years later, I felt like a shell of a person. I was commuting ninety minutes each way to work. I was feeling uninspired, dreading the relentless marketing campaign cycles that at one time were exciting.