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Helpdesk Productivity Hacks for eCommerce Businesses

When 76% of consumers say they view customer service as the true test of how much a company values them, you have to make sure that your strategy, and tool, are top notch. Here's a collection of best practices, drawn from our conversations with customers, to help you improve your agents' productivity and win customer love.

Uncover the true value of your customer support organization

Uncover the true value of your customer support organization with the technology trends that matter most in 2017. A recent survey by Gatepoint Research finds that 51% of Gatepoint survey respondents stated their leadership team views customer service as a potential competitive advantage. However, uneven service continues to be the main cause of customer frustration.

How to Drive More Customers to Self-Service and Web Support

Customers actually prefer self-service, according to many studies and reports including Forrester's top trends in customer service. It provides fast answers, and eliminates the need to wait on hold when phoning support. But as with any factor of B2B customer support, there are best practices to follow in implementing self-service.