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How Much Revenue Is Your Support Team Contributing To - A Case Study

How many of you measure the impact of support tickets on the company revenue? If you are like most companies that offer support, you measure the success of the support channels based on: the number of tickets they solve, the time it takes them to solve the ticket, client satisfaction.

What is tier 0 customer support?

Reflecting the importance of providing excellent self-service to manage rapid growth and satisfy customers, you might want to launch tier 0. What is tier 0? It’s the self-service tier; the support available to customers that does not require directly interacting with a customer advocate. This includes the knowledge base available in an online help center, the product training that is available to customers, as well as assistance that is available in the product’s user interface.

Moving to the Mint Experience - Freshdesk Support Team's Story

Our support teams were one of the early adopters of Freshdesk’s new version — the Mint Experience. We caught up with Andy, our regional support manager, to talk about his experience with transitioning from the old Freshdesk UI to the Mint Experience. Here’s what he had to say.

Content Cues: for agile and collaborative help content

There are two things many support teams struggle with when it comes to knowledge management: knowing exactly what their customers need help with, and how they can keep their help content fresh. Though it’s tough for them, it’s even tougher for customers. Nearly 81% of customers want to solve their problems on their own before reaching out to an agent, but 40% say that help center searches don’t generate the help they’re looking for.

How Can AI Use Data to Deliver a Great Customer Experience?

If you keep up with recent trends in technology, then you’ve probably been hearing a lot about artificial intelligence (AI) lately. Artificial intelligence has many uses and is already seeing multiple cases of real-world applications. But that doesn’t tell you much about how your business can use it, or if it’s going to be something you need to adapt in the coming years. For instance, can it help you deliver a great customer experience?

How to Align Your Marketing Activities With Your Customer Support During the Holiday Season

This year alone, it’s predicted that holiday retail sales will top $1.10 trillion. It’s a pivotal time for companies: bright and jolly marketing campaigns go out in a flurry and sales teams put on the pressure to get their numbers to an all-time high. But, while the increase in marketing efforts inevitably leads to more customers, it also means customer support teams find themselves spread thin.

5 Reasons Why SaaS Companies Cannot Ignore AI

2018 has been the year of artificial intelligence (AI). What was until recently just an emerging trend, has now established itself to the extent that it is already hard to imagine a work life without AI-driven applications. Chatbots—one of the more popular applications of AI —have become ubiquitous, and every SaaS company has jumped on to the AI and machine learning (ML) bandwagon.