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How to Perform Call Center Benchmarking (Step-by-Step Guide)

If you want to know how your call center is really performing compared to your competitors, call center benchmarking can help. Benchmarking involves measuring your call center against global standards to analyze its performance. You’ll be able to identify what areas you need to improve on and take the required steps to boost performance. In this article, we’ll explain what call center benchmarking is and provide a step-by-step guide for it.

What is Call Center Stress and How to Manage it (2021 Guide)

Call center work can be demanding, especially for a customer service agent. They have to handle several calls, resolve customer issues, meet targets, and more — while ensuring high customer satisfaction levels. This can create stressful situations, which negatively impact agent productivity. Fortunately, there are several effective ways to deal with call center stress. In this article, we’ll cover what call center stress is and six common stressors.

15 Important Inbound Call Center Metrics You Should Track Today

An inbound call center acts as the link between the customer and the company by handling incoming live calls for customer service. That’s why it’s necessary to ensure that your call center agents perform well on all calls. A good way to do this is to measure their performance regularly using certain inbound call center metrics. In this article, we’ll discuss fifteen inbound metrics that can give you insights into your call center’s performance.

Employee Time Tracking Using Excel Spreadsheets: Templates, Downsides & Alternatives

In this article, we’ll share several Excel time tracking templates (i.e. weekly, biweekly, and monthly timesheets) that you can use to track employee hours and calculate payroll. That said, tracking time using Microsoft Excel comes with downsides, namely the fact that Excel does not solve for: In this post, we’ll share several useful Excel time tracking templates.

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How to Hire an Operations Manager

Operations managers are the linchpin between the company's internal and external operations. They oversee what goes on with internal stakeholders and take appropriate actions to ensure everything works perfectly in the outside world, i.e., with customers, investors, shareholders, etc. Hiring for this role can be challenging, especially with the high competition for top-level talent. So we've rounded up some tips to help you out with the hiring process.

3 Essential Project Management Tools to Boost Your Productivity

The pandemic has obviously changed the way we work. Most of us are still working from home until today. Thanks to the internet and technology, though, we can get our individual work and team projects are done seamlessly – no matter how far the distance between us and our coworkers. That might seem impossible without the help of project management tools. Today, project management tools are popular more than ever.

8 project management books that absolutely belong in your library

To stay at the top of their games, project managers must constantly evolve and learn about new trends and techniques within the industry. There are a ton of online courses and classes you can take to do this. But another resource that will keep your skills sharp is project management books. 📖 Books are a great way for project managers to go deep on planning, product design, marketing, and growth to improve their work.