Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


How To Use Zoom: A Step-by-Step Guide (2020)

Want to learn how to use Zoom? With teams across the world working remotely during the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing tools like Zoom have become extremely popular. However, if you’ve never used Zoom before, understanding it might be challenging! But don’t worry. This article is a step-by-step guide to help you get started with Zoom quickly.

Changing B2B Support Software Part 3: Making the Switch and Managing the Process

The final part in our three-part series on changing support software is all about the tactical aspects. In Part 1 and Part 2, we discussed how to identify if your company needs to switch and how to choose the right solution if you do. Now, it’s time to get into actually making the switch happen so you can enable a support team with happy agents that serve happy customers--complete with rainbows and unicorns!

How a Legacy Hardware Company Uses OneDesk for Project Management

The need for better and more specialized systems has been the major call for the fast-paced evolution of technology over the years. Newer hardware and software systems are constantly introduced. Hence, it is always a matter of time before older special-purpose systems are outdated and deprived of resources for support and maintenance.

The Risks of Shadow IT during Lockdown

In recent weeks, circumstances around the Covid-19 crisis have meant that companies have had to pivot quickly to remote working. The trouble is, many organizations didn’t have a plan in place for this change. It’s understandable that they’d want to turn to market-ready, widely available tools to collaborate quickly from anywhere, however, there’s a real danger of cobbling together your business collaboration stack using consumer-grade tools.

5 small businesses making smart pivots for a world gone offline

According to research by small business marketing platform, FiveStars, customer visits to local businesses in the U.S. and Canada dropped by 70 percent between March 8 and April 12. It doesn’t take a statistician to realize that losing that many customers in one month represents a serious blow. But not every mom and pop shop is collapsing.

Scoro & PieSync: Have your contacts in sync with 200+ other apps

Scoro centralizes the most important aspects of your business, and allows you to manage your team, projects, clients, and finances easily in a single solution. One of the great things about having a central platform covering different processes is that it provides a 360° overview of your prospects and customers. But what if you are using additional business applications next to Scoro, and wish to keep all that customer data together?

Nifty Tutorial: Project Milestones

Plan, track, and automate your project's progress and key sprints with Nifty milestones. Creating Project Milestones at the outset of a project gives context to your project's tasks and provides clarity to your current progress. Since visualization is also important, you can use the Swimlane View which intersects milestones with task lists to get a birds-eye view and control over your milestones and tasks.