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14 Tips to Check If Your Remote Employees are Productive

It’s a question that has been on the minds of employers for years now, how can we be sure that our remote employees are working? It’s not like we can walk into their home office and look around! Luckily, there are some ways to check in on your remote employees and ensure they’re staying productive. This article talks about how to check if your remote employees are working and how to mitigate the risks.

From Associate Product Manager to Chief Product Officer: A Quick Guide

First, congratulations. You’re investigating strategies to advance your career in product management, which means you’ve already found one of the most fulfilling and sought-after professions. Research cited by Career Karma found that the average product management professional rates their job satisfaction level at 3.7 out of 5 stars — “highly satisfied.” And Product Management made LinkedIn’s 2022 list of the Top 25 roles showing the most growth in demand.

Redmine Time Tracking: How It Works, Limitations, Alternatives

Redmine is a project management and issue tracking software that’s written using the Ruby on Rails framework. It’s primarily used by developers and offers a basic time tracking feature. With this feature, users can track the amount of time they work on a particular project or issue. But how does it work, and does it have any alternatives? In this article, we’ll look into how to use the native Redmine time tracking feature.

Top 15 Time Tracking Software for Ubuntu in 2023

Time tracking software is the demand of the age if you are running a business that requires a sound record of the performance and continuous improvement in the productivity level for both individual and team levels. So, it doesn’t matter whether you are a Windows or Ubuntu user; you have to afford a Ubuntu time tracker to see the graphs that matter most to you.

Audio-To-Text tools for businesses working remotely

Well-written and readable files are essential for every business — both businesses that operate online and offline. Little wonder that ninety-seven percent of business data is still documented on paper. Businesses usually have their essential information recorded in a video or audio recorder. However, transcribing those audio files into written texts is essential for most businesses' documentation process.

10 Ways to Keep Yourself Safe from Layoffs

Nobody wants to get laid off. It’s a challenging process that can often lead to great stress and uncertainty. If you’re worried about layoffs at your job, don’t worry – we’re here to help! This blog post will go through 10 ways to ensure your job is secure and minimize the danger of losing it. Keep reading for more information!

OneDesk - Getting Started: Mobile App | Mobile Help Desk & Task Management

Log tickets & tasks, update progress, reply to customers, and collaborate with your team with the mobile OneDesk app. This video covers the basics of using the mobile app. OneDesk combines Help Desk & Project Management software into a single application. OneDesk also includes customer-facing applications: real-time chat, customizable webforms, and a customer portal. These integrated applications allow you to serve your customers while conveniently working on your projects in one platform.

All About Experience Level Agreements (Are They Here to Replace SLAs?)

SLAs can only give you so much information. They certainly don't tell the full story. Experience Level Agreements, or XLAs, are here to fill in some of the gaps. Let's explore how. This video is our look at Experience Level Agreements: what they are, how to implement them, and whether they're here to replace SLAs for good.