Teams | Collaboration | Customer Service | Project Management


Do investors "punish" firms that suffer a data breach?

Nowadays, the press doesn’t have to look too far for the next cyber attack story! Whether it’s the surprise theft of customer data, like British Airways suffered this year, or a fresh Facebook hack, if there’s one thing we’ve learned this year – no one, regardless of size and sophistication, is immune to attack.

Exclusive interview with Josh Fechter on Growth, Productivity, Mental Health and Helping Others

Last week we’ve visited Growth Marketing Stage conference where we interviewed Josh Fechter – co-founder at BAMF media. The points he made and the thoughts he shared are pretty inspiring for leaders and founders. We hope you find lots of value for yourself in this interview.

Customer Service vs Help Desk vs Customer Success - Defining the Terms

When it comes to the specifics of working with customers, you’ll see a wide variety of terms thrown around. Phrases such as “customer care”, “customer support”, and “after-sales service” are all frequently used, but there are a few terms that truly stand out in their meaning (despite the confusion surrounding them).

What everyone should know about integrated phone support

Even in the age of email, social media, and whatever new support channel is just around the corner, customers still want the option to call a support agent. Whether it’s to resolve complex support issues or to receive personalized service, many people appreciate companies that make the investment in providing quality support over the phone.

Freshdesk Sandbox: Making Change Simple

You might be familiar with some of the changes Freshworks has gone through in the last year. We rebranded the company1, introduced new products, and gave Freshdesk a new look. Although these developments have been a delight to our customers, we’ll be honest, the journey didn’t start easy for one team in particular within the company. Our customer support team.

Fresh out of the Marketplace Oven!

In this month’s roundup, we are excited to announce that the Freshworks Marketplace has hit 500 apps! That’s right, we now have 500 apps across Freshdesk, Freshservice, and Freshsales. You can view the entire gallery of Marketplace apps, here. For now, here’s a look at just a few of the apps that joined the Freshdesk Marketplace this month, keep in mind this is just the tip of the iceberg!