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January 2022

A Guide to Empathy in Customer Service

What is the one skill that everybody in customer support must have? Ask this to anybody who’s been in customer service for a while and ‘empathy’ would be high up on the list. We’ve put together a short guide on the importance of empathy in customer service and tips to empathize with customers better. You can use the following links to navigate through the blog. – Why is empathy important in customer service?

New year, new integrations

Import2 (Sell) is a 1-click data migration software that helps you to move all historical data from your legacy software into Zendesk Sell. All your contacts, companies, opportunities, tasks, notes, calls, meetings, emails and attachments from your existing CRM will be transferred automatically. Import2 replaces CSV import tools as a faster and simpler solution for your data migration needs.

Automation Delivers Results

Let’s take a look at Automation. Automation reduces workload, improves efficiency, and decreases costs. With the right service management solution like Vivantio, you can manage complex workflows and automate recurring processes within your business, removing the need for manual resources. Many tasks can be automated, from finance and HR management to project management, team collaboration and reporting. Watch the video to learn more.

Lead funnel definition, stages, and strategy

All companies are aiming for more revenue and customers in 2022. With millions of companies still struggling to bounce back from the financial hits of the past two years, locating and acquiring new (and loyal) customers is a must. But where will these customers come from? And how do you get them to buy from you? Ads and social media strategies are fantastic for boosting your brand, but ads alone rarely close deals. If you want more customers, you need an organized lead funnel.

Inbound sales: Meaning, steps, and proven tips to succeed

The simplest sales are made when the customer already knows what they want. Inbound sales are a unique way of selling to customers because the leads seek you out rather than getting roped into the funnel through cold calls or emails. This selling technique involves some extra effort toward the start of your sales funnel, but once you understand the process, it can become an invaluable selling tactic for your team.

Natural Language Understanding Benchmarking Report: Which conversational AI platforms are the best?

Business adoption of AI has accelerated tenfold as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, and a handful of conversational AI platforms have emerged as the leaders in the space. We set out to see how Netomi’s Natural Language Understanding (NLU) performs against the most prominent conversational AI platforms: Google Dialogflow, IBM Watson, Microsoft LUIS and RASA.

How to write the best sales resume: Tips and examples for 2022

Salespeople must be able to emphasize the value of a wide variety of products and services. But before they can even get to that point, they need to make their biggest sale ever: themselves. When you’re applying for a sales job, you’re essentially selling your value to a hiring manager. How can you make their life easier? What will you do to improve their company’s bottom line?

Product/Market Fit 101: The What, Why, And How

Entrepreneur and investor Marc Andreesen defines product/market fit (PMF) as ”being in a good market with a product that can satisfy that market” in his article The Only Thing That Matters1. You reach product/market fit by getting the right product to the right people, fulfilling a specific need that hasn’t been served properly before.

How to create the best sales deck ever: Meaning and examples

If your sales pitch is expertly defined but you’re struggling to close the deal, you might need a sales deck makeover. A strong pitch with confusing or irrelevant support materials only leads to client confusion and plunging sales. Let’s fix that. In this piece, we’ll cover what is meant by a sales deck, its purpose, and how to make yours stand out.

What is cold calling? Meaning, tips, examples, and techniques

Cold calling: the two scariest words to any sales rep in the industry. For even the most charismatic of souls, this downright medieval practice can conjure nightmares of rejection, exhaustion, and failure. But is that the whole truth? Almost every business still uses cold calling tactics, so there must be some value in reaching out to chilly leads. It might be hard to believe in this era of open information and emotion-based sales, but cold calling still has an important place in the business world.

What is a knowledge base? The essential tool you're missing

Customers want answers, and they want them fast. About 60 percent of consumers say quick problem-solving is a mark of great customer service. But how do you deliver speedy service without sacrificing quality? By creating a knowledge base. Knowledge bases provide on-demand support by answering common questions and explaining how to use products or services successfully. With this resource, customers can solve problems independently.

Here's why you should be investing more in customer service

In a perfect world, every customer would be 100% happy with every purchase. Shipments would arrive ahead of schedule, products or services would exceed expectations, and we could forever banish the terms “return” or “refund” from our daily lexicon. While there’s no magic formula to guarantee customer happiness, new research shows how important of a role support agents play.

Sales win rate: How to calculate and improve it

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are critical measures of performance for sales teams. They can evaluate the efficiency of a sales funnel, assess the effectiveness of outreach methods, and even identify the number of emails reps send out in a given week. But no KPI receives more attention than the sales win rate. Win rates reveal important details, including which sales tactics work best, which areas need improvement, and which products or services generate the most sales.

2022: The year of customer service-led growth

While leaders navigate a constantly changing reality, they must keep thinking about how to drive their business forward. As many companies hold on deploying new initiatives until the outlook is more clear, they are eyeing where current investments can be made: such as in customer experience. Why CX? Where human interactions are concerned, it’s quality, not quantity that ultimately matters most—now more than ever before.

3 Ways Your Support Software Prevents You From Being Customer-First

To be successful in 2022, it’s vital that you bring customers to the forefront of your B2B business. However, did you know your customer support software is likely holding you back, or outright preventing you from achieving this? To truly be a customer-first business, you need to know what your customers’ goals and pain points are, support them in ways that make these goals more achievable (or alleviate their hindrances), and ultimately help them grow.

S&OP guide: Meaning, process, and purpose

Most businesses strategize sales through the eyes of the customer. What do customers want? How do we make customers happy? What are the best upsell strategies? These are all worthwhile questions—and the customer is certainly important—but no company can help their customers if they have internal issues in serious need of fixing. That’s where sales and operations planning (S&OP) comes in.

Considering Scheduling a Chatbot Demo? Here are the Key Questions to Ask

Not all chatbots are created equal. In this post, we’ll cover a step-by-step chatbot demo guide of what to look for, including the key questions to ask, to make sure that you adopt the best AI for your business. Before we get into the questions you should ask during your chatbot demo, let’s quickly cover why now is a good time to explore chatbots.

What is a sales qualified lead (SQL) and why is it important?

When it comes to sales, it’s easy to believe that no opportunity is a wasted opportunity. If you throw a product at enough people, someone is bound to buy it, right? Technically…yes. But say you spent money and effort to contact 100 random people about your product. Seventy-five of them aren’t in your target audience, 10 of the remaining 25 can’t afford your product, and 14 are happy with their current product from a competitor.

Multichannel vs. omnichannel customer service: what you must know

Multichannel vs. omnichannel is a well-known debate in the online business world. The terms are used for both customer support and marketing, but what do they mean? What's the difference? And which method is best to satisfy the needs of both the business and the customer? While the final decision is entirely yours, let us help you learn about these two ways of interacting with clients, how they are different, what companies choose said ways, and which way is considered the best.

Chatbots vs. conversational AI: What's the difference?

Today’s businesses are looking to provide customers with improved experiences while decreasing service costs—and they’re quickly learning that chatbots and conversational AI can facilitate these goals. By 2024, experts say the global chatbot market will reach $9.4 million. What customer service leaders may not understand, however, is which of the two technologies could have the most impact on their buyers and their bottom line.

How To Improve Customer Satisfaction With Data Analytics

Consumers, in their never-ending search for something new and better, expect excellence. And at the frontlines of today’s digital commerce revolution are customer service agents, who are expected to go the extra mile in delivering quality customer experiences. However, for your teams to deliver excellence day in and day out, they must have the analytics tools and data necessary to truly understand customers’ wants, needs, and values at every stage of the customer journey.

What are sales leads? (+5 lead generation tips)

Every salesperson is eager to hit their monthly quota—the more sales, the better. But the road to that finish line is reliant on a set of key players: sales leads. Before sales reps can meet their targets, they need a clear understanding of what a sales lead is and how a lead is different from a prospect. They must also be armed with proven lead generation strategies to get people on the path to becoming a customer. We’ve got you covered.

10 Customer Service Best Practices to Boost Business Success in 2022

Customers today have many options to engage with a business and share their experiences with others, giving them greater control over their journey with a brand. As a result, companies need to be more proactive with their customer service approach to keep their customers satisfied and returning. Fortunately, you can deliver a consistently top-notch customer experience by adopting some customer service best practices.

What is a ticketing system? (+3 ways companies use them)

For support agents, organizing and triaging customer requests from various channels is already a challenge. The fact that 73 percent of consumers plan to continue using new support channels only makes ticket management more complex. The best way to beat the odds and consistently provide your customers with quick and effective responses? Ticketing systems. Ticketing systems document and track customer issues and interactions, making it easier for customer service teams to manage their support cases.

Keep companies competitive with a data-driven sales approach

When you think of sales analytics and metrics, do you only think of your company’s net gains and losses? If so, you’re not alone. Up to 73 percent of company data goes unused every year. 73 percent. That’s despite the fact that more and more companies are talking about big data and putting substantial amounts of money and manpower into capturing that data.